Author: Mark Weber

Mark Weber was born in 1951 in Portland, Oregon, where he was also raised. He studied history at the University of Illinois (Chicago), the University of Munich (Germany), and Portland State University, from where he received a bachelor's degree in history (with high honors). He then did graduate work in history at Indiana University (Bloomington), where he served as a history instructor and received a Master's degree in European history. Since 1995 Weber has been director of the Institute for Historical Review, which until the early 2000s was a leading revisionist history educational center and publisher based in southern California. For nine years he was editor of the IHR's former Journal of Historical Review. He is the author of many articles, reviews and essays dealing with historical, political and social issues, which have appeared in a variety of periodicals, and in a range of languages. In 1988 he testified during the second Zündel trial in Toronto as a recognized expert witness on Germany's wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue. When the IHR ceased publishing new revisionist material in 2002, Weber redirected his focused on being a guest on numerous radio talk shows.

Mark Weber, Interview with Jim Rizoli, Feb. 10, 2016

Mark Weber, currently director of the Institute for Historical Review, explains his getting involved into Holocaust revisionism, and what he thinks of it now.

The Holocaust Controversy

Smith Steps Up CODOH Ad Campaign

Bradley Smith, intrepid chairman of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH), attracted nationwide notoriety in late 1991 and early 1992 as a result of his success in placing advertisements calling for open debate on the Holocaust issue in student newspapers at several major universities. After something of a lapse, Smith has recently…

“Danger” of Holocaust Revisionism Spreading, Says Israeli Scholar

Israeli Holocaust scholar Yehuda Bauer is worried. In an article in the Israeli English-language daily Jerusalem Post, August 7, 1993, he warns that “America is the center of a world-wide Holocaust denial movement.” According to the article, headlined “US is center of Holocaust revisionism,” Bauer also “named France as the second major center, followed by…

Fred Leuchter Arrested in Germany

Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., the American execution hardware specialist who insists that claims of wartime mass gassings at Auschwitz are not true, was arrested in Cologne, Germany, on October 28, half an hour before his scheduled appearance on a television show. Fred Leuchter Leuchter was arrested without an arrest warrant or formal charges. He was…

In Europe: Further Legal Persecution of Revisionists

German University Professor Charged for Holocaust Remarks A respected German university professor has been charged with “popular incitement” because he told some colleagues six years ago that the Holocaust story is not true. Rainer Ballreich, who teaches “biomechanics” at the sports institute of the University of Frankfurt, reportedly told a few colleagues at a 1987…

Gas Chamber Door Fraudulently Portrayed at U.S. Holocaust Museum

This door on display at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum is fraudulently portrayed as the door of an extermination gas chamber. Visitors at the recently opened US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, will find on display a casting of a door of a supposed extermination gas chamber. This artifact is presented as graphic evidence…

How Fake War Propaganda Stories Are Manufactured

Manufactured “rumors,” designed to mislead and demoralize the German public during the Second World War, were proposed to the British War Cabinet's Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee in October 1941. “Rumor” number five, which was suggested by the Joint Intelligence Committee, is a story that the Germans were using poison gas to secretly kill off their own…

South African Member of Parliament Under Fire for Support of Revisionism

Because he expressed public support for the revisionist cause of truth in history in a letter to the Institute for Historical Review, a South African lawmaker has come under attack from Zionist-Jewish organizations. South African newspapers have reported on a letter in the November 1992 IHR Newsletter, by Louis F. Stofberg, a senior Conservative party…

Penn State ‘Holocaust History’ Course: A Lesson in Ignorance

When Journal subscriber Karl Striedieck signed up in January for Professor Rose’s three-credit “Holocaust History” course at Pennsylvania State University (University Park), he wasn’t expecting a warm welcome for his skeptical views. Still, he wasn’t quite prepared for the bigoted reception he did receive. Striedieck, who served for 23 years as a U.S. military fighter…

Vindication for Demjanjuk

On April 18, 1988, an Israeli court solemnly declared “without hesitation” that a simple Ukrainian-born auto worker, John Demjanjuk, was “the sadistic motorman who had operated the gas chambers at the Nazi death camp in Treblinka.” When the verdict was announced, hundreds in the Jerusalem courtroom jumped to their feet and launched into gleeful shouts…

New Revisionist Books in Europe

In Italy, two new books by that country's foremost Revisionist researcher, Carlo Mattogno, have been published. Auschwitz: La Prima Gasazione (“Auschwitz: The First Gassings”) is an illustrated work with extensive reference notes and a good bibliography. This handsome 190-page paperback covers some of the same ground as Mattogno's presentation at the Ninth IHR Conference (1989),…

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