Author: Andreas R. Wesserle

Prof. Dr. Andreas Wesserle was a German-born U.S. political scientist. He passed away on 22 July 2022 at age 87.

The New World Disorder

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists,…

Death and Rebirth: European Politial Observations

Concerning constitutions, Montesquieu wrote in volume IX of his work Esprit des lois: “Some…have as their purpose…the gorification of the State ( “la gloire de 1'état” ), others the political freedom of the citizen.” If an unbiased observer studies those nations of the world which have succeeded in retaining their political sovereignty to this day,…

Allied War Crimes Trials

On 14 November 1945, the proceedings of the International Military Tribunal at Nürnberg (Nuremberg) were opened. The twenty-four accused, whose number was later reduced to twenty-two by disease and death, among the top officials of the National Socialist Party, the top leadership of the armed forces and of the state administration of the defeated German…

Bombs on Britain

16 March 1981 PBS Television“The Blitz” Sirs: Rarely have I come across a television broadcast more vicious in intent and more warped in execution than your recent “Blitz on Britain.” As a survivor of the mass air raid executed against my native city of Prague, Bohemia, on the Christian Holy Day of Palm Sunday, 1945,…

Yalta: Fact or Fate? A Brief Characterization

President François Mitterand of France, in a message at the start of 1982, rightly and roundly condemned the Conference of Yalta. France, excluded from the tete-a-tete of the Big Three World Conquerors on 4-12 February 1945, thus once again has challenged the Western nations not to recognize the judgments and the boundaries there agreed upon…

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