Author: Richard A. Widmann

Richard A. Widmann, together with David Thomas, created modern CODOH as we know it, when he talked Bradley Smith into creating what was then called CODOHWeb, CODOH's online presence in 1995/1996. In 1999, Richard Widmann was among the team that launched and ran the revisionist periodical The Revisionist, until it was taken over by Germar Rudolf in 2003. When this project collapsed in 2005 with Rudolf's arrested, deportation and 44-months imprisonment, Richard Widmann, after some hesitation, created a new revisionist periodical in 2009 called Inconvenient History, which he issued until 2017, when it was once more taken over by Germar Rudolf.

Inconvenient History Volume 5 is Now Available!

By History Behind Bars- The softbound edition of Inconvenient History Volume V is now available! Our fifth softbound annual contains 516 pages of cutting-edge revisionist scholarship revealing the inconvenient truth on several aspects of recent history. Inconvenient History Volume V contains all the content from our 4 issues from 2013. You will receive a softbound…

Remembering Paul Rassinier (18 March 1906 – 29 July 1967)

By Richard A. Widmann- Today is the birthday of Paul Rassinier, widely considered to be the father of Holocaust revisionism.  Rassinier's background and experiences topple the widely held stereotypes of Holocaust revisionists; he was a Holocaust survivor, a member of the French Resistance, and a Socialist member of the French assembly. Rassinier participated in the founding…

No Smoking Gun, No Silver Bullets: The Real News of Rosenberg’s Diary

In June of 2013, the media was buzzing with the announcement of the discovery of the diary of Alfred Rosenberg by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Initial reports announced that the diary “could offer new insights into the Holocaust.”[1] News conferences were held with officials from the Department…

Charles Callan Tansill

Charles Callan Tansill, one of the foremost American diplomatic historians of the Twentieth Century, was born in Fredericksburg, Texas, on December 9, 1890, the son of Charles and Mary Tansill.[1] Tansill earned his bachelor’s degree from the Catholic University of America in 1912 and his Ph.D. degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1918. At Johns…

Hate, Hikind and History

This summer, Democratic Assemblyman from Brooklyn, New York Dov Hikind launched a misguided assault against Inconvenient History and several other publishers who carry among other things Holocaust revisionist articles and commentary. Hikind is attempting to financially hamstring several organizations by arranging a vendor boycott of sorts in which major credit card companies are bullied or…

Historical Revisionism and Popular Opinion

In 1966, Harry Elmer Barnes declared, “During the last 40 years, revisionism has become a controversial term.”[1] In the nearly 50 years since, “revisionism” has shifted from controversial to a purely negative term, at least in the eyes of the general public. Today “revisionism” has become synonymous with telling lies or distorting the truth with…

War Is Declared!

“Article 1 – The Legislative Branch; Section 8 – Powers of Congress To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” —Constitution of the United States[1] Revisionists are typically quick to condemn President Franklin Roosevelt for his actions, which cast the United States into the Second…

The Gas Vans: A Critical Investigation

By Santiago Alvarez and Pierre Marais, The Barnes Review, Washington, D.C., 2011, 390 pp., illustrated, with notes, bibliography, indexed. The Gas Vans fills a significant hole in Holocaust literature, often forgotten in the public mind and limited to minor entries in the most important Holocaust tomes (gas vans are mentioned on 4 pages out of…

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