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The Real Deal: A Presentation on Mattogno’s New Book “Curated Lies”

On May 9, 2016, Dr. James Fetzer, retired professor of philosophy of science (until 2006 at the University of Minnesota, Duluth), hosted Germar Rudolf during Episode 198 of his internet broadcast series The Real Deal. Rudolf presented a two-hour slideshow giving an overview of the recently released study "CURATED LIES: The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations & Deceptions" by…

David Irving: Talking Frankly

In April 2009 David Irving sat for a privately filmed interview lasting many hours, designed to become the basis of a major documentary on his life and his often controversial opinions on history. Parts of this interview were published as a DVD in 2009 by Irving himself, who sells it on his website. The 2hr-18min…

Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz

The so-called “Bunkers” at Auschwitz-Birkenau, two former farmhouses just outside the camp’s perimeter, are claimed to have been the first homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz specifically converted for this purpose in early 1942. In this examination of a critical component of the Auschwitz extermination legend, the indefatigable Carlo Mattogno has combed tens of thousands of…

Debating the Holocaust

For the past few decades there has been raging a kind of subterranean debate, one of monumental importance. It is a debate about the Holocaust – not whether or not it "happened" (this is a meaningless claim), but rather, how it happened, through what means, and to what extent. On the one hand we have…

Breaking the Spell

4th edition, June 2017! In 1941, British Intelligence analysts cracked the German “Enigma” code. This undermined the German war effort – but also threw new light on day-by-day events in the Nazi concentration camp system. Between January 1942 and January 1943, encrypted radio communications between those camps and the Berlin headquarters were intercepted and decrypted….

Holocaust High Priest

Holocaust High Priest weaves together five compelling and interrelated narratives. The book’s main concern is to present the world’s first unauthorized biography of Elie Wiesel. It shines the light of truth on the mythomaniac who, in the 1970s, transformed the word “Holocaust” and made it the brand name of the world’s greatest hoax: the unfounded…

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