Holohoax Tales Hid under a Blanket while Mum asked the Nazi to Leave
Holohoax Tales Hid under a Blanket while Mum asked the Nazi to Leave
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By To be determined ∙ April 4, 2021
Holohoax Tales Hid under a Blanket while Mum asked the Nazi to Leave
By Ernst Zündel, Douglas Christie ∙ April 3, 2021
Ernst Zundel Meets Attorney Douglas Christie for the first Time. In this video (19 minutes) Ernest Zundel (1939 – 2017) meets Douglas Christie (1946 – 2013). Douglas repersented Ernst at the Great "Holocaust" trial in 1985, when Ernst was charged by a Jewish group for stating that the "Holocaust" was anti-German atrocity propaganda. Douglas, a…
By Ernst Zündel ∙ April 3, 2021
Ernst Zundel Bombs versus Truth 1984. In this video (18 minutes) Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) of Samisdat productions tells of his situation in 1984 where he was facing charges by a Jewish group for saying that the "Holocaust" is an anti-German atrocity propaganda lie. Ernst had notified the authorities of his movements and had…
By Adolf Hitler ∙ March 31, 2021
Adolf Hitler The Ultimate Red Pill By Dr. William Pierce.
By To be determined ∙ March 31, 2021
Simon Lindberg; No proof for the Holocaust.
By Rudolf Hess ∙ March 31, 2021
The story that tells of the life and death of Rudolf Hess. In this (1 hour and 58 minutes) video, the brilliant historian and researcher, David Irving, talks about the life and death of Rudolf Hess. Rudolf had fought in the first world war and had won a Iron Cross for bravery. He had taken up pilot…
By To be determined ∙ March 30, 2021
Nordisk Radio; Why Deny The Holocaust II. In this video (1 hour 9 minutes), Nordisk Radio investigates the "Holocaust" atrocity lie. Frederick Wetherlund talks to Simon Lindberg about the situation in Sweden. The "Holocaust" atrocity lie, is easily defeated by logical arguments, but it is designed to attack the emotions, attempting to convince the more gullible individuals…
By Eva Anna Paula Hitler ∙ March 28, 2021
Film Reel 4 of 8 by Eva Braun. In this video (26 minutes) no sound, we see the 4th reel of 8 from Eva's cine film collection. Here, a Junkers 52 brings a visiting foreign leader into a winter airfield. The troops, are reviewed. March off and salute. Hamburg, out fro a river trip. Women cutting…
By Eva Anna Paula Hitler ∙ March 28, 2021
Film Reel 3B of 8 by Eva Braun. In this video clip, (15 minutes) no sound, reel 3B of 8 black and white and colour (soundless) films taken by Eva Braun, future wife of Adolf Hitler, or her friends is shown. This film shows Hamburg where Eva and her friends are going on the Milwaukee, a ship…
By Eva Anna Paula Hitler ∙ March 28, 2021
In this video clip, (27 minutes) reel 3A of 8 black and white and colour (soundless) films taken by Eva Braun, future wife of Adolf Hitler, or her friends is shown. The films were taken in or near the Burghof, near Berchtesgaden, Bavaria. Eva was Hitler's girlfriend from 1932, and by 1936 a part of Hitler's…
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