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Schindler´s Plaszow Camp the Movie vs. the Reality (27:31 min)

In this 27 minute Video, Ernst Zundel of the Voice of Freedom, brings in a expert to examine the Plaszow camp in Poland, which was depicted in the propaganda film “Schindler’s List”. John Ball, an air photo expert, and an expert geologist came to different conclusions than the Hollywood nonsense produced by Spielburg, a Jewish…

Jim and Diane Update 2-20-21

In this 21 minute video clip, Jim Rizoli, a veteran revisionist, discusses issues of the day in February 2021. Jim discusses various aspects of the “Holocaust” atrocity lie. Jim talks about how the lie evolved especially in regard to Treblinka. As Jim relates it was “steam” chambers which were firstly claimed by the liars, as the…

Jürgen Graf Holocaust Propaganda for the Kalergi Plan (5:51 min)

In this 5 minute video clip, Jürgen Graf, a brilliant Swiss scholar and linguist talks about the Kalergi Plan. Jurgen tells of his early days and his struggle for the truth. After researching the "Holocaust" atrocity lie, he became convinced of two things. One, was that the governments in the West are merely puppet like. Two,…

David Irving Harassed in London

The story of David Irving when he was harrassed in London after one of his trips around the globe. In this 28 minute video, David Irving, the brilliant revisionist writer and and researcher gives a speech after returning from the archives in Moscow. In this speech he refers to the activities of the traditional enemy,…

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