Kevin Barrett Discusses the Holocaust and Free Speech
Kevin Barrett Discusses the Holocaust and Free Speech.
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By To be determined ∙ January 30, 2020
Kevin Barrett Discusses the Holocaust and Free Speech.
By To be determined ∙ January 29, 2020
Daughter of Auschwitz Kommandant: There was no Smoke There was no Smell. Jewish reporter Phil Harding interviews/berates Brigitte Hoess, the daughter of Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Hoess. Broadcast on BBC's Newsnight 03 Oct 2013, Brigitte confirms she saw no signs of mass killings. She didn't see any smoke nor smell burning. She also describes her father as…
By To be determined ∙ January 28, 2020
Moshe Kraus claims singing for Josef Kramer saved him from death in the gas chambers while at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
By To be determined ∙ January 28, 2020
Jewess lies about parents dying in the Holocaust. Yep, it does make you wonder about these individuals….. Source:Luke FordFeb. 22, 2009
By Deborah E Lipstadt ∙ January 27, 2020
Jim Rizoli reviews Deborah Lipstadt HoloHuxster Speaks at Ted. Jim Rizoli reviews a speech by Deborah Lipstadt. Lipstadt wrote an deflamatory article against David Irving, which meant he was stopped from entering research facilities, like libraries. He decided to sue Lipstadt, but found himself up against a massively financed opposition. The Judge, was unable break free…
By David Irving ∙ January 27, 2020
DAVID IRVING ON MURDERED JEWS In this video (11 minutes) Jim Rizoli of talks about David Irving's views. Jim states that the "six million" Jews is a fallacy and any equivocation is not possible in the all or nothing in the Zionist narrative. It's "six million", and it will always be "six million" according…
By To be determined ∙ January 26, 2020
Jewish professor explains the 6-million Holocaust death toll. A Jewish "professor" talks about the "Holocau$t" in this hour long video. Notice that he refers to German sources, which never mention any "gassing of Jews", not Hitler's war directives, his orders, his correspondence, or any of his speeches. Nor does Herman Goring in any document. Nor does…
By To be determined ∙ January 26, 2020
Auschwitz Photos of Buildings Happy Inmates Work for Play Health. This video (13 minutes) looks at the various activities and buildings at Auschwitz. It shows how music was a big part of life. One major feature was the stress on clean practices, as it was essential to maintain the health of the detainees. A very…
By To be determined ∙ January 24, 2020
What Is the Holocaust? A Timeline of the Final Solution 1933-1945. A timeline (12 minutes) of the supposed "Holocau$t" by a Jewish spokesman from Israel. Misleading statements, unbelievable conclusions and facts presented without any evidence, make up the narrative.
By Heinrich Himmler ∙ January 23, 2020
Himmler Discussed by David Irving. Manchester UK August 2013. In this video (One hour and 41 minutes) English author, David Irving, writer of many best sellers about the Third Reich, and an incredible researcher talks about Heinrich Himmler (1900 – 1945) the leader of the SS, in Manchester, England in August 2013. David tells about…
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