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Great Holocaust Trial 1984

1984 "Holocau$t" trial in Canada. Ernst Zundel takes on the Zionist liars. In 1984, Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017), a Canadian of German origin is taken to court by Zionist liars under an archaic law about "spreading false news". Ernst was harrassed daily when he arrived at court, "terror" being an essential tactic of Zionist…

Memorabilia:The Fate of Unregistered Auschwitz Inmates (2000)

Swiss Revisionist Jürgen Graf tackles this very important subject. One of the many claims by "Holocau$t" scammers in their continual fakery, is how German documents don't really mean what they say. When the Korherr document (which was submitted by Himmler to Hitler) says that over a million Jews have been transferred to the Russian East through the…

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