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Deanna Spingola on Christian Zionism (Part 1)

Tonight Nick  (this radio talk show) from Circus Maximus is filling in. He will be joined by Deanna Spingola, host of Spingola Speaks. We will be mainly discussing her newest book regarding the Blackstone Memorial (W.E. Blackstone) and breaking down exactly what the implications were from that. Christian Zionism will be the main focus tonight. We…

Memorabilia: Doug Christie Debates Human-Rights Hack on the Cherington TV Show (June 1984)

Douglas Christie (1946 – 2013), the Battling Barrister and freedom-of-speech advocate, demolishes the head of the Ontario "Human Rights" Commission, Dr. Bhausaheb Ubale, on the issues of freedom of speech and out-of-control "human rights" which are being used to silence critics and enforce the "guilty until proven innocent" mantra which forces Canadians to fight against the…

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