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Brian Ruhe, John Kaminski, Diane King (Oct 16, 2018)

Brian Ruhe with Revolution Radio presents John Kaminski and Diane King as they discuss the letters from the imprisoned brother and sister, Alfred and Monika Schaefer in a Munich Germany prison. Brian Ruhe, who was later expelled from his "religion" for exposing the "Holocau$t" lie, the brillant, attractive and delightful Diane King (who with Jim…

Memorabilia: Germar Rudolf at the 13th IHR

Germar Rudolf at the 13th conference at the Institute for Historical Review This video serves as important memorabilia on the historical narrative of the Holocaust revisionists' struggle and to see how questioning the Holocaust has evolved thanks to the Internet. Germar Rudolf is still a young scientist who is always creating and creative. An inspiration…

Memorabilia: TV2 Tabloid Interview with Historian David Irving 2009 (Part 2) (Dutch Subtitles)

TV2 Tabloid Interview with historian David Irving 2009 on his research on Adolf Hitler (Part 2). David Irving, the best selling British author, and an incredible researcher talks about his research into the Second World War. Here in this superb (Seven Minutes) video, he continues on with Part 2.  

Memorabilia: TV2 Tabloid Interview with Historian David Irving 2009 (Part 1)

TV2 Tabloid Interview with historian David Irving 2009 on his research on Adolf Hitler. David Irving, the best selling British author, and an incredible researcher talks at length about his research into the Second World War. Here in this superb (two hour 41 minutes) video, David talks at length, and in detail, about the fate…

Memorabilia: The Faurisson Affair

Professor Chomsky talks about his support (10 minutes) for Prof. Robert Faurisson. Is he sincere on how he tells the story? You can make up your mind after viewing this short video. Professor Robert Faurisson (1929 – 2018) was a brilliant academic in France, who rebutted the "Holocau$t" lie from 1974 to his death in 2018. Professor…

Doug Christie on “Crossfire” 1985

Free speech lawyer Douglas Christie appeared on "Crossfire" after the first Zundel trial, in 1985, and was aggressively questioned by panelists Ian Mulgrew, Kathleen Mahoney and George Oake. Doug was the brilliant lawyer, who defended Ernst Zundel, at the great Holocau$t trial. He showed a  "Holocau$t" "expert",  a Professor Hilberg, to be a fraud, and…

Your Ward News Permanently Banned from Canadian Mail Live Stream with Paul Fromm

Paul Fromm in an interview with Brian Ruhe on free speech in Canada. Paul Fromm is a fighter for civil rights in Canada. In this video (35 minutes) he explains how the "Canadian" "Government", which seems to act increasingly like a front group for the Zionist "Canadian" Jewish Congress, continues to abuse the law to prevent…

Conservatives Aren’t Winning, Loss of Purpose. Mark Weber with Paul Fromm

A talk that explores why conservatives are not winning. In this talk Paul Fromm, Mark Weber  and Moderator Brian Ruhe participate. The reasons that Conservatives are not getting anywhere. Paul, Mark and Brian discuss the fundamental defects of “Conservatism” and how it is a complete blind alley.

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