
Is the Holocaust a taboo? If so, where, and to what extent? Is it a good taboo worth preserving, or a bad one which needs to be fought? Read on…

Historical Revisionism and “Relativizing the Holocaust”

Whether the received wisdom on an historical event can be subjected to scholarly scrutiny depends upon the method by which the subject is utilized by entrenched interests. Hence, let the scholar or student who embarks on the questioning of certain sacred cows beware lest he be damned for heresy. This essay examines a polemical technique…

Why the Holocaust Must Remain a Dogma

An Italian Voice for Freedom Now in its 17th year of publication, an impressive Italian journal, l’Uomo libero (“The Free Man”), has been a consistently intelligent and outspoken champion of free speech and intellectual inquiry, and a staunch defender of Europe’s cultural heritage. Editorial director is Mario Consoli, who is also a frequent contributor. The…

The Rudolf Report: “Psychopathological and Dangerous”

La Recherche, No. 300, July/August 1997: The Rudolf Report The members of the Chemistry Department of the [French] Academy of Sciences received a few weeks ago a document entitled ‘The Rudolf Report,’ accompanied by an anonymous letter which explained the ongoing witch hunt against revisionist historians. Several days later, Le Monde informed us that the…

Outlaw History #27

The young prince Harry showed up at a party this week wearing a sand-colored shirt reminiscent of “Desert Fox” Erwin Rommel (Hitler's favorite general) – with a Nazi Wehrmacht emblem on the collar, and a Nazi armband with swastika. What was he thinking? He probably wasn't thinking. The boy just wanted to have fun. Prince…

Outlaw History #28

Prince Harry is going to be punished for renting, then wearing, a German Nazi uniform to a party. The London Times reports that no authority figure was present to remonstrate with Harry about his choice of costume. Harry did what regular blokes do. He chose the costume he thought would be most amusing to the…

Outlaw History #29

Michael Howard, the recently enthroned leader of all the Tories in Great Britain, and the leading candidate to replace Tony Blair as the leader of all the British people, is demanding that young Prince Harry apologize fully, and even fulsomely, to everyone everywhere for wearing a German military costume to a costume party. Mr. Michael…

Outlaw History #24

In issue 24 of Outlaw History newsletter you write: “As I have observed before, it is the concept of the unique monstrosity of the Germans that played such a large role in morally justifying the creation of a Jewish state on Palestinian land. An island of Jews in a sea of Arabs. Now there's a…

Outlaw History #19

I found myself sitting on the couch at my sister Nora's house nursing a whiskey and waiting patiently while she finished some domestic preparations for the holidays. When she was finished she sauntered into the room with an expression both pleased and relieved. “Well, that's that for another year! All ready at last. Now even…

A Look Back at Revisionism

For many years now, revisionist books and journal articles accumulate, which due to their scientific depth, their sheer irrefutable evidence and rigorous argumentation should have been in a position to cause a historiographic revolution all by themselves. But nothing happens. The silencing spiral, together with the increased worldwide range of persecution, silences more and more…

Holocaust is West’s Last Taboo

TEHRAN, Dec. 18 (MNA) — Robert Faurisson is a revisionist scholar from France who attended the “Review of the Holocaust: Global Vision” conference in Tehran from December 11 to 12. Following is the text of an interview with Faurisson conducted by the Tehran Times at the daily’s offices on December 13. Q: What is your…

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