
The effect which the orthodox Holocaust narrative has in the social and political arena.

Self-Hating Historiographer Dead at 77

Peter Novick, a (non-practicing) Jewish professor at the University of Chicago, wrote the ground-breaking (and earth-shaking) The Holocaust in American Life in 1999. With insight massively confirmed in the 13 years since its publication, Novick delineated how that group of events, imagined and real, now packaged under the rubric of "the Holocaust" acquired outsize influence…

The Non-Jewish Stake in the Holocaust Mythology

In the early 1980s, the late Revisionist scholar Dr. Charles Weber wrote a very important, but now largely forgotten, essay concerning the non-Jewish groups that promote and benefit from the Holocaust mythology. Weber noted that, although the Jewish-Zionist power elite is the predominant force behind the Holocaust ideology, they are not the only entity behind…

A Modest Proposal for Chancellor Merkel

Angela Merkel during the 51st Munich Security Conference 2015(photo by Marc Mueller; https://commons.wikimedia.org) Germany—or the German government and its taxpayers, anyway—is all things to all people, at least so far as money, weapons and even Lebensraum (living space) are concerned. While Germany was still digging itself out of its own rubble, in 1952, then-Chancellor Konrad…

If It Wasn’t Hitler …

Hitler talking to the Jerusalem Muftihttp://goo.gl/Eprz4J In one breathtaking stroke that only the head of the Israeli state could have even attempted, Binyamin Netanyahu outdid practically every revisionist in the world who ever addressed the subject of the Holocaust. The genocide of the Jews was not Hitler’s idea, nor immediate wish. Well, part of that…

Interest in Revisionism Surging in the Middle East

The spread of revisionism across the Middle East shows no sign on slowing. In February Roger Garaudy, the octogenarian French intellectual convicted of violating French law against denying the Holocaust (see SR 51 & 52), traveled to Egypt on the invitation of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture and Information. On February 15 the official Egyptian…

Internet Roundup 1998

The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics … will examine one of the untruths which continues to wreak the most havoc after over half a century in today’s world, and not only in Israel: the myth of the 6 million Jews exterminated that has become a dogma justifying, sacralizing (as the very term “Holocaust” implies) all…

French Trial Unleashes Mideast Revolt against Holocaust Cult

The trial in Paris this January of French intellectual Roger Garaudy for authoring the Holocaust revisionist book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics has sparked an unprecedented explosion of support for revisionism across the Middle East. Political, intellectual, professional, labor and religious leaders, as well as ordinary citizens, have spoken out, demonstrated, and given their…

How the Holocaust Claims Fresh Victims—Today

General Electric used to promote its consumer products[1] as “The Gift That Keeps on Giving.” In the present day, that historical confabulation packaged under the name of “The Holocaust” (capital letters, please) continues to take victims, even if it does not often, as alleged by the promoters of the traditional horror story, actually kill them….

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