History in General

Events and epochs prior to the First World War, and after that anything that does not fit into any particular category of the era of the world wars or the post-WWII and cold war era. This does also include the subcategory of U.S. history, if the events dealt with do not fit in any of the other categories or is of special interest, like the U.S. Civil War or 9/11 and its aftermath.

Outlaw History #1

Welcome to the first issue of Outlaw History, the Newsletter. Outlaw History will update you on what I do to encourage the decriminalization of World War II history in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Israel, and help prevent the criminalization of that history in the United States. The special focus for me, as it has been…

Outlaw History #7

Dear Bradley: I just went on your web site and read newsletter no. 2 (9/29/04). I enjoyed it and it made some effective points, but it also raised in my mind the following caution: any discussion of “terrorism” is apt to get out of focus by sliding away from a clear definition of the word….

Outlaw History #8

Fallujah is a city of some 300,000 people. I hear via CNN that it is thought that about one third of the population is still in the city, or about 100,000 souls. It is estimated that the insurgents number maybe 3,000. The “insurgents” live and work among the people of Fallujah, ensuring that, as the…

Outlaw History #6

Well, it's done. George W. won the big one. I wasn't very much for Kerry, he never said anything interesting that reached my ears, but I was very much against Mr. Bush. Four more years. Hopefully our President recognizes how much frustration, anger, and contempt for the American government he has created all around the…

Outlaw History #9

Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinians, has died. There is a great to-do about it. Palestinians in their wretched refugee camps, in their slums in Gaza and the West Bank under the guns and the boots of Israeli Jews, wonder what will become of them without their leader. Thirty-five years of murder and fraud following…

Conspiracy – the Umpteenth

Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, America West, Carson City, NV, 1992, 267 pp., $16.95. “Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”—Benjamin Franklin One thing that strikes a student of the history of the United States is the trend toward expanding and centralizing the power…

The War on Iraq: Conceived in Israel

In a lengthy article in The American Conservative criticizing the rationale for the projected U.S. attack on Iraq, the veteran diplomatic historian Paul W. Schroeder noted (only in passing) “what is possibly the unacknowledged real reason and motive behind the policy-security for Israel.” If Israel's security were indeed the real American motive for war, Schroeder…

Gestapo USA

William E. Winterstein, Gestapo USA. When Justice Was Blindfolded, Reed Publishers, San Francisco 2002, 261 pp. hc, $25.95 As part of “Operation Paperclip” shortly after World War II, the USA transported a number of captured German rocket scientists to Ft. Bliss, Texas, where they were kept under quasi arrest for almost two years. William Winterstein…

The Revisionist Method Applied to the History of World War III

The U.S. government considers itself in a state of worldwide war against what it calls international terrorism. It entered into war against Iraq because, according to them, Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction which threatened the United States. In support of this charge, the Americans have not, up to now, provided any real proof…

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