Documents + Critique

Quellenkritik – source criticism – is one of the most important tools of serious historiography, yet it is almost completely neglected by orthodox scholars. This section lists contribution where documents concerning aspects of the Holocaust are subjected to thorough source criticism.

The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz

Ever since the Russian authorities granted western historians access to their state archives, the files of the Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz, stored in a Moscow archive, have attracted the attention of scholars who are researching the history of this most infamous of all German war-time camps. Despite this interest, next…

Relative of Shlomo Wiesel says he died in 1943, not at Buchenwald

By Carolyn Yeager       Elie Wiesel’s father Shlomo in 1942, according to Hilda Wiesel. Is he 39 or 48 years old?           A report in the Yad Vashem Shoah Victims database by Yaakov Fishkovitz contradicts Elie Wiesel’s story about his father’s death. Yaakov (Jacob) Fishkowitz filled out a death…

Sobibor – Muehlenkamp’s “best explanation”

By Thomas Kues After my comment on the terms Sonderlager and SS-Sonderkommando in relation to the Sobibór camp,[1] Roberto Muehlenkamp has focused his untiring yet self-defeating powers of “argumentation” on the following passage in the March 1944 Benda report on the Sobibór prisoner uprising: “Mit Rücksicht auf die Art die Sonderlagers und dessen Häftlinge, wurde…

On the terms Sonderlager and SS-Sonderkommando

By Thomas Kues In a reply [1] to my recent article [2] on the holocaust historians' lies and obfuscations about the contents of Nuremberg document NO-482, wherein Sobibór is designated as a transit camp (Durchgangslager), anti-revisionist blogger Roberto Muehlenkamp focuses on the fact that in the 17 March 1944 report of SS-Untersturmführer Benda concerning the…

The Office – the German Foreign Service during the Third Reich

A Review and Assessment of a Controversial German Commission Report by Dr. Claus G. Wagner Bartach   Introduction In the early 1960s, a determined, powerful group of Zionists and Israelis decided to broadcast to the world one of the horrific atrocities of the twentieth century, relating to their special concerns. Out of the more than…

Lies and obfuscations about Himmler’s Sobibor directive

by Thomas Kues   Peter Black is a Senior Historian at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum who received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1981. He is also the former chief historian for the “Nazi hunting” Office of Special Investigations of the United States Department of Justice. In a long article entitled “Foot Soldiers…

Lithuanian Historian Accused of “Denying the Holocaust”

By Thomas Kues On 25 November 2010 the AFP news bureau reported the following: “A Lithuanian historian quit his civil service job Thursday after seven ambassadors from fellow European nations accused him of denying the Holocaust. Lithuania's interior ministry said that Petras Stankeras, an independent historian who also held a middle-ranking post in its planning…

New website challenging Elie Wiesel on tattoo and other identity issues

by Carolyn Yeager I Con the World Is Elie Wiesel an icon or an “I con?” Venerated and billed as “the world’s most famous Holocaust survivor” and a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars every year in speaking fees (at $25,000 a pop it might be closer to say a million),…

The ”Sonderkommandos” of Auschwitz

By Carlo Mattogno In my study Special Treatment in Auschwitz. Origin and Meaning of a Term[1] I have written as follows: «“Special Units” of the CrematoriaDanuta Czech explains the origin and meaning of the term “Sonderkommando” (special unit) as follows:“The extermination camp created also one other group of people, those who were forced to work…

The “Special Treatment” of Registered Auschwitz Inmates

By Carlo Mattogno In a discussion of my study Special Treatment in Auschwitz. Origin and Meaning of a Term (Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2004), Holocaust blogger Sergey Romanov puts forth the following critique: «Mattogno discusses lots of Auschwitz documents which contain the code words, and an unsuspecting reader might be duped into believing that…

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