Documents + Critique

Quellenkritik – source criticism – is one of the most important tools of serious historiography, yet it is almost completely neglected by orthodox scholars. This section lists contribution where documents concerning aspects of the Holocaust are subjected to thorough source criticism.


Veteran revisionists recognize that an outstanding small problem has been the “Vergasungskeller” that was evidently in or near Crematorium II in the Birkenau part of the Auschwitz camp. Crematorium II (and its mirror image Crematorium III) had two huge underground morgues, Leichenkeller 1 (LK 1) and LK 2, and a smaller morgue LK 3. LK…

Expulsion of Germans: Telegram to the War Department, 18 October 1945

18 October 1945 At the conclusion of World War II more than fifteen million Germans were driven from their homes in central and eastern Europe. It has been estimated that 2,111,000 Germans died directly as a result of these mass expulsions. The primary reference on this subject is: Alfred M. de Zayas, Nemesis at Potsdam:…

Document 3012-PS: “Sonderbehandlung”/Special Treatment

Translated by Carlos W. Porter DESCRIPTION: Six parts. Page one — printed leaflet/signature printed in facsimile) Decree On Compulsory Labour and Labour Service in the Eastern Theatre of Operations of the Newly Occupied Eastern Territories To ensure the military and economic requirements in the Eastern theatre of operations, the following order is hereby issued in…

Work in the Moscow Archives

This research from the Moscow archives concerning World War II German concentration camps was conducted in two phases: Phase I: July-August 1995 by Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf & Russel Granata Phase II: November-December 1995 by Carlo Mattogno & Jürgen Graf From 17 November to 16 December of 1995, I was in Moscow. Carlo Mattogno arrived…

The Wannsee Conference Protocol

“WANNSEE CONFERENCE: conference of chief representatives of the highest Reich and Party bodies, held on January 20, 1942 in Berlin at 'Am Großen Wannsee 56/58' under the chairmanship of R. Heydrich. On the order of A. Hitler, the participants decided on measures for the annihilation of the Jews in those parts of Europe under German…

Documentary Photographs Proving the National Socialist Persecution of the Jews?

1. Introduction Photographs played a central role in the arsenal with which Allied war propaganda slandered the enemy in World War One, as Ferdinand Avenarius has shown with numerous examples.[1] Retouching techniques were admittedly quite crude in those days, and the falsifications were thus easy for a critical examiner to detect. However, such highly skilled…

The Unreliability of Documents in Jean-Claude Pressac’s Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Ga

There are documents, and then there are documents. Some documents are better than others. Original documents, for example, are more valuable than documents that are not original, particularly when you want to prove murder. Original documents are even more important when you want to prove mass murder. This is pretty complicated stuff, our holocaust historians…

Foreign Worker Passbooks and Letters/Letters sent by foreign workers in German camp system

Passbooks for foreign workers in German camp system Click on image to see a larger version.                       Letters sent by foreign workers in German camp system Click on image to see a larger version. Auschwitz       Dachau         Majdanek  …

Goebbels and the “Final Solution'

Bringing to Light Secrets of Hitler’s Propaganda Minister David Irving is one of the world's most widely read and influential historians. He is the author of more than two dozen published works on 20th century history. For more about him, see the Jan.-Feb. 1993 Journal, pp. 4-19. This essay is adapted from Irving's presentation at…

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