Documents + Critique

Quellenkritik – source criticism – is one of the most important tools of serious historiography, yet it is almost completely neglected by orthodox scholars. This section lists contribution where documents concerning aspects of the Holocaust are subjected to thorough source criticism.

John Wears Article Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist (30:56 min)

John Wears Article Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist. Jim Rizoli in this (30 minute) video presents John Wear's did "Gas Chambers" exist. John points out the International Military Court at Nuremberg produced no autopsy or scientific reports to prove "gas chambers", only witness "testimony". John shows that a execution engineer investgated the "gas chambers" on…

Jewish Writer Gilad Atzmon on Free Speech and the Holocaust (14:04 min)

Gilad Atzmon discusses Tolerance, History and Revisionism on Aspen GrassRoots TV, July 2010 This set of six video clips covers an almost taboo controversy to do with freedom of speech. In the discussion, Atzmon stresses the ethical and logical need for history to be open to revision. Participants, left to right: Gilad Atzmon — Harvie…

After a long wait, the Einsatzgruppen book is finally in my hands

I RECEIVED THE OTHER DAY the long-awaited book The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories by Carlo Mattogno and am eager to get into it. After first looking at the Table of Contents, I went straight to a couple of pages at the back headed “Conclusion” and was satisfied, as of the moment anyway, with the way…

Batmetzner Returns

Ahoy there dear readers. Remember our Holocaust Controversies superhero Hans Metzner who tried a few weeks ago to defend Nadjari’s testimony? Well he’s back to save the day and it looks like he has managed to locate those gardens! Bravo! He still hasn’t corrected those typos though, except for the Misko reference. Regarding this, he again…

Hans Metzner: The Old Jack in the Box

  Greetings ladies and gentlemen. A few days ago an article about your humble author appeared at the Holocaust Controversies blog written by a certain Hans Metzner. Titled Panagiotis Heliotis – The New Star Shining in the Revisionist Coffin?[1] Metzner attempts to respond to one of my articles regarding Marcel Nadjari. For those familiar with…

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