Orthodoxy Criticized

Critique and counter-critique is one of the hallmarks of a scholarly attitude, so it goes without saying that revisionists are taking their opponents’ arguments and responses seriously. Hence, this section addresses the theses of several orthodox scholars on the Holocaust which have evoked revisionist responses. Although most orthodox scholars insist that revisionist arguments are not even worth looking at, a number of them have in fact breached the taboo and have not only looked at revisionist arguments, but have actually deigned to criticize them in one way or other. The revisionist responses and rebuttals can be found here as well.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Fakes Famous Niemoeller Quote

The South Bend Tribune’s lengthy feature story on the IUSB student journalists’ visit to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum ended with a quote attributed to Martin Niemoeller, the German Protestant clergyman famous for his opposition to Hitler. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then…

Internet Roundup

A favorite tactic of Holocaust cultists has been to exploit the power of images—photographic and “artistic”—to convey and suggest the horrors, real or imaginary, of the Holocaust. Oftentimes our opponents have resorted to miscaptioned or misleading photos to, in the words of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), “counter the hate-mongers and revisionists.” So…

Holocaust Museums Come under Attack from Washington to Berlin

In recent weeks and months. Holocaust museums and proposed Holocaust museums have encountered unprecedented criticism and reversals, in the United States, in Canada, and in Germany. While the critics have neither expressed nor been motivated by full-throttle Holocaust revisionism, they have nevertheless objections that are implicitly revisionist. Take the fall of Walter Reich, who was…

Irving v. Lipstadt Trial for Movie Theaters, Part III

(…continued from SR 216) As Judge Gray wrote: “Although Irving spent hardly any time in his cross-examination of van Pelt on the evidence that gassing took place elsewhere at Auschwitz, it is the Defendants’ case that gassing took place in other gas chambers, notably at crematorium 3.” Irving’s main objections were the Leuchter Report and…

Irving v. Lipstadt Trial for Movie Theaters, Part II

Irving v. Lipstadt Trial for Movie Theaters, Part II2015-10-10David MerlinSmith's Report, no. 216, October 2015, pp. 5-7 (…continued from SR 215) Ms. Alison ThompsonMr. Mark GooderCornerstone Films, c/o Sunray Films12 Sunray Avenue Herne HillLondon, SE24 9PY[email protected]Tel: +44 (0)758 033 758 September 30, 2015 Re: The movie Denial and the historical facts of the Irving Trial…

Codoh Exposes Auschwitz Perjurer

False “eyewitness” Testimony Helped Hang Germans This month CODOH drops a bombshell. We have discovered, and now reveal, that a celebrated “survivor,- a prominent Zionist, and a major figure in the founding and leadership of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum gave false testimony immediately after World War II testimony that helped convict and hang Germans…

Smith and Smith on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

No. it's not the Three Tenors—it's the Two Smiths, Bradley and Hans (all right, Schmidt). Like Richard Widmann and Fred Toben. Hans and I toured the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum the month it opened, and afterwards I interviewed Hans on video. In exchange for your contribution I will send you this informative video discussion “in…

Mark Weber Met Michael Shermer

MARK WEBER, director of the Institute of Historical Review, met Michael Shermer of Occidental College and Skeptic magazine, to debate “Who’s Really Pushing 'Pseudo-History’” at the Countryside Inn in Costa Mesa on Saturday afternoon, 22 July. Greg Raven emceed the affair and I said a few words. Raven handled business very well, but I feel…

Irving v. Lipstadt Trial for Movie Theaters, Part I

Alison Thompson and Mark Gooder form Cornerstone Films Ms. Alison ThompsonMr. Mark GooderCornerstone Filmsc/o Sunray Films12 Sunray Avenue Herne HillLondonSE24 9PY[email protected]Tel: +44 (0)758 033 758 Hello Ms. Thompsonand Mr. Gooder I read that your company is handling international sales for a new movie based on Deborah Lipstadt’s book History on Trial: My Day in Court…

The Campus Project and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

During the festivities preceding, during and following the opening of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the media responded with an enthusiasm and fascination that it usually reserves for a U.S. military strike against some third world country. Newspapers great and small, the wire services, television, radio, magazine pundits, ministers in their pulpits, truckloads of Washington…

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