Carbon Monoxide

Although many methods are said to have been used by the Nazis to murder people in gas chambers, carbon monoxide (CO), produced in various ways (bottled gas, engine exhaust), is one of the most frequently mentioned for this purpose. The contributions here deal with these CO-operated homicidal gas chambers in camps such as Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibór (for the use of CO in mobile gas chambers see Gas Vans).

The Toxicity of Fumes from Diesel Engine under Four Different Running Conditions

It has been suggested that fumes from diesel engines make an important contribution to atmospheric pollution. This is probably because they are sometimes highly irritant and sometimes very smoky. It is well known that, because of their comparatively low carbon monoxide content, these fumes arc much less lethal than those from petrol engines.
The leading work on diesel fumes has been done by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Holtz, Berger, Elliott, and Schrenk (1940) analysed the fumes from engines in proper mechanical conditions, plotting the carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and aldehyde content against fuel-air ratio.
The present work was directed to ascertaining what were the main toxic constituents of diesel fumes. In order to do this, animals were exposed to the fumes, and at the same time the concentration of various constituents of the fumes was determined; pathological investigations were subsequently carried out on the exposed animals.
In this paper, nitric oxide is designated NO, and nitrogen dioxide NO2. For conversion of parts per million to mg/m³ factors valid at 20°C have been used.

Angry Sledge-Hammer Revisionism

Nazi Gassings: Thoughts on Life and Death by Friedrich Paul Berg, CreateSpace, 2015, 201 pp. For several decades now, Friedrich Berg has started arguments with fellow revisionists about certain technical issues of relevance to the orthodox Holocaust narrative. Usually, these arguments were hidden from public view, as they took place mainly in email exchanges between…

I Was Gassed!

I have survived carbon-monoxide poisoning, more than once. My latest carbon-monoxide poisoning was caused by an improperly installed stove ventilation fan located next to a natural-gas hot-water heater. This latest CO poisoning was the most severe. From my experience of being “gassed,” I have several observations pertaining to “Holocaust gassing” claims. As we are t,…

Comparative Review of Two Works on the Aktion Reinhardt Camps

Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard: A Critique of the Falsehoods of Mattogno, Graf and Kues, by Jonathan Harrison, Roberto Muehlenkamp, Jason Myers, Sergey Romanov, and Nicholas Terry, Holocaust Controversies; 2011, 570 pp. and The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”: An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious “Evidence,” Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the…

The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”

Ever since the authors of the present study started publishing, together or separately, thorough studies about the most prominent German camps of the WWII era which are generally referred to as extermination camps, orthodox historians have made it a point to intentionally ignore these studies which they seem unable to refute. This eerie silence ended…

The Lüftl Report

In March 1992, a prominent Austrian engineer made headlines when a report he had written about alleged German wartime gas chambers was made public. Walter Lüftl concluded in his controversial report, “Holocaust: Belief and Facts,” that the well-known stories of mass extermination of Jews in gas chambers at the wartime camps of Auschwitz and Mauthausen…


Treblinka is widely regarded as the second most important German wartime extermination center. Only Auschwitz-Birkenau is supposed to have claimed more lives. Treblinka became the focus of worldwide attention in 1987-1988 during the 14-month trial in Jerusalem of John (Ivan) Demjanjuk, a Ukrainian-born American factory worker. As Treblinka's “Ivan the Terrible,” Demjanjuk supposedly operated the…

'Holocaust” Pharmacology vs. Scientific Pharmacology

The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, edited by Alexander Donat, Holocaust Library, New York, 320pp, hardback, $9.95, ISBN: 0-89604-009-7 This book is presented as a documentary, and indeed is catalogued as such in the Library of Congress Index. The editor has authored only ten pages of the text, the rest is a collection of testimonies…

Blue Women on the Beach

The May 2004 issue of The Revisionist contained an essay by Charles D. Provan entitled: “The Blue Color of the Jewish Victims at Belzec Death Camp – and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning“.[1] The focus of that essay is my contention that diesel gassings are practically impossible! The reason diesel gassings never happened is that the measures…

The Blue Color of the Jewish Victims at Belzec Death Camp – and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Editor's remark: The following paper challenges in a scholarly way statements repeatedly made by engineer Friedrich P. Berg. Even before the publication of Mr. Provan's paper, Mr. Berg was invited to write a paper addressing the issues raised in it, which was meant to be published right after Provan's challenge. Mr. Berg rejected the invitation…

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