Gas Chambers

The magic chemical slaughterhouses, in which millions are said to have been murdered, evade an exact, credible description to this day. Not a single blueprint of such a device capable of executing its gruesome task has ever been found, and no unequivocal document has ever been located hinting at their existence. The contributions listed here address the claims made about homicidal gas chambers. (See also the entries for the respective camps.)

Scrutinizing Gas

Something about gas is . . . creepy. Often, you can't see it. Supposedly, you can't run from it (not so, but it can be hard to tell which way to run). If it "gets" you, it doesn't leave visible marks, whether it kills you or not (again, effectively not true, but particularly on survivors,…

Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, “Escaping Hell in Treblinka”

Israel Cymlich, Oskar Strawczynski, Escaping Hell in Treblinka, Yad Vashem, York/Jerusalem 2007 In this volume, historian David Silberklang presents the memoirs of the Polish Jews Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, dated respectively to June 1943 and the summer of 1944. While Strawczynski was a detainee at the “extermination camp”; Treblinka II, Cymlich is one of…

It’s Going Direct to America’s Cultural Mavericks!

Samuel Crowell's 'The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes' is available for purchase here The game’s afoot! Sherlock Holmes has joined CODOH’s battle to spread revisionism to the campus, to media, and to an elite of authors, intellectuals, and activists who are the most likely to be receptive to a bold, brilliant new synthesis of the…

AnswerMan “debunkers” Edith Stein Gassing Claims

As SR readers will recall, AnswerMan is the persona of an active revisionist historian who shies from neither showmanship nor controversy (see SR 58). Here’s what college students visiting his page on CODOHWeb are reading regarding the recently canonized Jewish Carmelite, Edith Stein: Question: Press reports have made it seem as if Edith Stein’s recent…

The Martian Chronicles

Two important themes in “The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes” are that the mass gassing claims grew in part out of hysteria about poison gas usage, and in part out the repetition of gassing rumors over the radio, particularly the state-controlled BBC in Britain. A pre-war incident where these two themes converged was the notorious…

Internet Roundup

One of the great advantages of running a World Wide Web site is the ease and minimal cost of publishing. CODOHWeb has gained an international reputation not only for our republishing of classic revisionist texts like Fritz Berg's “Diesel Gas Chambers: Myth within a Myth” and the banned-in-Germany anthology, Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte (Foundations of Contemporary…

Can This Be It? A Final Solution to the Final Solution?

Last month's SR gave a brief description of Samuel Crowell’s brilliant “Technique and Operation of the German Anti-Gas Shelters in World War II: A Refutation of J.C. Pressac’s 'Criminal Traces,'” as it was newly posted to CODOH’s WWW site, CODOHWeb. Now you can read and savor this breakthrough article, in its hot-off-the-computer updated version. Yes,…

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