Killing Methods

The orthodox Holocaust narrative lists a variety of methods allegedly used by the National Socialists to mass murder their victims, predominantly Jews. The methods most frequently referred to include:

  • Gas Vans
  • Gas Chambers
  • Shootings

But other means are also cited. These contributions deal with each or all of them.

Memorabilia: Kristallnacht and Zyklon B /Critical Holocaust Analysis

Ernst Zundel interviews German researcher and author Ingrid Weckert regarding her book on the truth about Kristallnacht, the anti-Jewish pogrom in 1938 Germany. Also interviewed is the US brilliant chemist Dr William B Lindsey about the properties of Zyklon B, the pesticide allegedly used to murder millions of people during World War II. A interesting video (27…

Memorabilia: American vs Nazi Gas Chambers, a Comparison

Fred Leuchter, former consulting engineer on capital punishment in the USA, compares American with so-called Nazi gas chambers. Since both used the exact same gas, comparing them is logical. Fred Leuchter, is an actual person who can claim he has "gassed" individuals. In 1988, Fred investigated Auschwitz, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Madjanek camps where Jews were supposed to…

Memorabilia: Germar Rudolf’s 1999 Slide Show about the Alleged Nazi Gas Chambers

Here is one of Germar Rudolf’s first appearances in public in the USA, illustrating his forensic findings about the alleged Nazi gas chambers with an excellent slide show at David Irving’s 1999 Real History Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. With an introduction and commentary by Mr. Irving. Germar Rudolf is the present leader of CODOH. Germar,…

Fritz Berg TV interview on Gas Wagons and more (3 of 3)

Fritz Berg  talks about some of the incoherences on the Holocaust story and particularly the gas wagons that have been claimed to be used to do mass killing. Here, in this video (29 videos) Fritz talks about "gas wagons", "gassing", Diesel gas, and other Communist atrocity stories. Fritz demolishes the claims by the Holocau$t liars.

Memorabilia: Fritz Berg TV interview on Gas Wagons and more (2 of 3)

Fritz Berg  talks about some of the incoherences on the Holocaust story and particularly the gas wagons that have been claimed to be used to do mass killing. Fritz, a Engineer, shows (9 minutes) that Diesel exhaust is a very stupid claim by the Communists, being an absurd killing method. The Communists never bothered with…

Memorabilia: Fritz Berg TV interview on Gas Wagons and more (1 and 2 of 3)

Fritz Berg  talks about some of the incoherences on the Holocaust story and particularly the gas wagons that have been claimed to be used to do mass killing. Fritz talks (56 minutes) candidly about Gas wagons and allied bombing. Fritz looks at "Gas chambers" and other Allied drivel and looks at the situation with bomb…

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