
To the impartial observer, a testimony by an individual who belonged to a group allegedly targeted by the Nazis for extermination does not always sound absolutely convincing, but who would wish to insinuate that those who had such terrible experiences during the war are not telling the truth? In the eyes of the public, the Holocaust survivors have become sanctified, indubitable, and irreproachable. It is precisely in this respect that skepticism, criticism and scrutiny have become most important. This section deals with persons who were on the side of the alleged victims and who either confirmed or denied the claimed events – or sometimes both. What are these testimonies worth?

Anne Frank

Anne Frank Known around the world for her famous diary, Anne Frank is perhaps the most commemorated “victim of the Holocaust.” On the fiftieth anniversary of her death, and of the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen camp where she died, she has been the subject of renewed attention. Translated into dozens of languages, more than 22…

The Dachau Gas Chamber Myth

One of the most prominent camps featured in the early years of the Holocaust extermination campaign was Dachau. Stories abounded about the many thousands who were exterminated there in gas chambers. Members of a us congressional committee stood inside the alleged gas chamber where so many had died, and had their picture taken for the…

A Ghetto Fighter Recalls Her Capture

Young women fighters rounded up during the 1943 German action against the Warsaw ghetto are shown in this widely-reproduced photograph. Like the famous “ghetto boy” photo, this was included in the 1943 “Stroop report.” The original caption read: “Women of the He-halutz movement, captured with weapons.” (“He-halutz” or “Hechalutz” [“pioneer”] was an important Zionist youth…

The “Warsaw Ghetto Boy”

It is probably the single most widely recognized and memorable Holocaust image of all: a frightened and apparently doomed young boy, his arms upraised, standing with other Warsaw ghetto Jews under the watch of an armed German soldier. In a recent essay, Erwin Knoll, editor of the influential monthly The Progressive, aptly sums up the…

“Best Witness”: Mel Mermelstein, Auschwitz and the IHR

Theodore J. O'Keefe is an IHR editor. Educated at Harvard, he has published numerous articles on historical and political subjects. This essay is slightly edited from his presentation at the Eleventh IHR Conference, October 1992. Fourteen years ago, over Labor Day weekend in 1979, the Institute for Historical Review held its very first conference at…

About the IHR/Mermelstein Settlement

This article originally appeared in the IHR Newsletter shortly after the original settlement between the IHR and Mel Mermelstein. The terms of the settlement agreement are often misrepresented. – Greg Raven With so many wild rumors still being circulated about the IHR/Mermelstein settlement, we want to remind our readers that, contrary to what has gone…

Holocaust Lies: Bergen-Belsen Gassing

Fraudulent Holocaust claims about magical gas chambers and miraculous survival in wartime German camps are all too familiar. Occasionally, though, we come across a claim so breathtaking in its mendacious effrontery that it deserves special notice. In an article (reproduced here) in The Gazette of Montreal (Canada), August 5, 1993, and in a memoir, Moshe…

Sarajevo Worse Than Auschwitz, Says Former Inmate

According to at least one former inmate of Auschwitz-Birkenau, conditions today in Sarajevo, the capital of wartorn Bosnia, are worse than in the notorious German camp during the Second World War. Danica Bagaric, an ethnic Croat, was a 17-year-old partisan fighter with Tito’s Communist forces when she was captured by the Germans in April 1943….

Wiesenthal Re-Confirms: ‘No Extermination Camps on German Soil’

Simon Wiesenthal In a letter published in a January issue of The Stars and Stripes, a newspaper for US military service personnel, Simon Wiesenthal re-confirmed, in passing, that “there were no extermination camps on German soil” during the Second World War. He made the identical statement in a letter published in the April 1975 issue…

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