
The orthodox Holocaust narrative rests almost exclusively on witness testimony. This section is dedicated to the critique of the witnesses and their statements in literature, media, and courts of law.

Was Holocaust Survivor Viktor Frankl Gassed at Auschwitz?

A recent article has revealed that Viktor Frankl, the famous psychiatrist and emblematic Auschwitz survivor, greatly embroidered on his meager time at Auschwitz. This news casts a shadow over the veracity of Frankl’s famous memoir, Man’s Search for Meaning. Of even more interest, however, is a question that arises when considering the Auschwitz State Museum’s…

Wilhelm Höttl and the Elusive ‘Six Million’

Mark Weber is director of the Institute for Historical Review. This essay is adapted from his address at David Irving’s “Real History” conference in Cincinnati, August 31, 2001. So ingrained has the Six Million figure become in the popular consciousness that while the average American may be quite sure that six million Jews were slaughtered…

Historical Past vs. Political Present

Arthur R. Butz was born and raised in New York City. In 1965 he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966 he joined the faculty of Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), where he is now Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In addition to numerous technical papers, Dr. Butz…

The CODOH Library, Castle Hill Publishers, Inconvenient History, the CODOH Forum, Facebook, and Amazon Kindle

How is it with CODOH as 2013 kicks off.? Remarkably well. The CODOH Library has grown to some 2,300 revisionist documents now, all searchable with a modern database. Santiago Alvarez, with a very small crew of volunteers, is driving that work. There’s nothing to compare with it anywhere. Castle Hill Publishers, the British revisionist book…

The Elie Wiesel Affair

Contrary to what may have been said here and there, the fact that the Hungarian Jew Miklos Grüner has, both in first instance and on appeal, lost his defamation case in Budapest against rabbi Shlomo Köves does not mean that Mr Grüner lied with regard either to Elie Wiesel or to the rabbi. I found…

Elie Wiesel: One More Lie

Robert Faurisson is Europe's foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar. Born in 1929, he was educated at the Paris Sorbonne, and served as a professor at the University of Lyon in France from 1974 until 1990. He was a specialist of text and document analysis. His writings on the Holocaust issue have appeared in several books and…

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