
The orthodox Holocaust narrative rests almost exclusively on witness testimony. This section is dedicated to the critique of the witnesses and their statements in literature, media, and courts of law.

Albert Speer and the ‘Holocaust’

Albert Speer may ultimately be best remembered as the only high German wartime official to be “rehabilitated” during his lifetime and even profit handsomely from his once-powerful position. The one-time Hitler confidant and Reich Armaments Minister escaped the hangman’s noose at Nuremberg by adopting an unusual defense strategy. While maintaining that he personally knew nothing…

Azriel Eisenberg Presents The Greatest Sob Story Ever Told (with a Cast of Millions)

The Lost Generation: Children in the Holocaust, by Azriel Eisenberg, The Pilgrim Press, 380 pp, $17.95, ISBN 0-8298-0498-6. Azriel Eisenberg strikes again! In The Journal of Historical Review, Spring 1983, I reviewed Eisenberg's Witness to the Holocaust. Now Eisenberg, Holocaustomaniac par excellence, has produced a companion volume to that egregious opus. So here I am,…

The Periodic Table

The Periodic Table by Primo Levi, Translated from the Italian by Raymond Rosenthal. New York: Schocken Books, 1984, 233pp, ISBN 0-8052-3929-4. In the deluge of printed matter which competes today for our time and attention as well as our dollars, one is required to use all the selective skills at his disposal to discriminate and…

The Sleight-of-Hand of Simon Wiesenthal: “Falso in Uno, Falso in Omnibus”

For many years Simon Wiesenthal has made a highly successful career for himself as the world’s foremost “Nazi hunter.” The American mass media have elevated him to secular sainthood and the U.S. Congress awarded him a special gold medal. In reality Wiesenthal is a proven liar. The most infamous example was his charge that an…

Witness to the Holocaust

Witness to the Holocaust, by Azriel Eisenberg, The Pilgrim Press, 649pp, $17.95, ISBN 0-8298-0432-3 Witness to the Holocaust is a collection of “eyewitness accounts of a brutal period in history,” compiled and edited by Dr. Azriel Eisenberg, “a leading Jewish scholar,” who has provided introductions to each of the 27 chapters and to many of…

Facts, Allegations, and Judicial Notice

censorship/USA, organizations/rev, H/witnes/vitcimThe Journal of Historical Review, vol. 3, no. 1 (spring 1982), pp. 47-51Facts, Allegations, and Judicial NoticeSubmitted to the California Superior Court in the Case, Mermelstein vs. IHR et al., by Counsel for DefendantsRichard Fusilier Introduction The defendants in the above-entitled cause respectfully submit the following Points and Authorities, and the appended Declaration…

'Holocaust” Pharmacology vs. Scientific Pharmacology

The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, edited by Alexander Donat, Holocaust Library, New York, 320pp, hardback, $9.95, ISBN: 0-89604-009-7 This book is presented as a documentary, and indeed is catalogued as such in the Library of Congress Index. The editor has authored only ten pages of the text, the rest is a collection of testimonies…

Buchenwald and After

In 1942 I was served with a warrant for my arrest by the Gestapo. The warrant alleged that I was “corrupting the unity of the German people during wartime.” I appealed against this warrant of arrest but heard absolutely nothing more about it. On 5 October I arrived in Buchenwald after having spent two nights…

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