
The orthodox Holocaust narrative rests almost exclusively on witness testimony. This section is dedicated to the critique of the witnesses and their statements in literature, media, and courts of law.

Night #1 and Night #2 — What Changes were Made and Why, Part One

By Carolyn Yeager On Tuesday, January 17, 2006, Amazon.com announced that it was changing the categorization of a new translation of Elie Wiesel’s Night from novel to memoir. Amazon would also revise the editorial description of the original edition to make clear that they consider the book a memoir, not a novel. “We hope to make…

The Truth about ‘Night’: Why it’s not Elie Wiesel’s Story

By Carolyn Yeager Why is Grandma Nisel not mentioned in Elie Wiesel’s Night? According to Hilda Wiesel’s 1995 “Survivors of the Shoah” testimony, Grandmother Nisel (also spelled Nissel) went with the family to Auschwitz. According to Elie Wiesel’s 1995 memoir, All Rivers Run to the Sea1, Grandmother Nisel went with the family to Auschwitz. But…

Relative of Shlomo Wiesel says he died in 1943, not at Buchenwald

By Carolyn Yeager       Elie Wiesel’s father Shlomo in 1942, according to Hilda Wiesel. Is he 39 or 48 years old?           A report in the Yad Vashem Shoah Victims database by Yaakov Fishkovitz contradicts Elie Wiesel’s story about his father’s death. Yaakov (Jacob) Fishkowitz filled out a death…

The Case Against Denis Avey, the BBC, and the British Government

Last year, I wrote an article published here about Denis Avey, a man whose newly-released WWII concentration camp survivor story was getting a lot of attention in the British press. In my article, and on my Internet radio program The Heretics’ Hour, I did a pretty thorough job of debunking Avey’s poorly concocted story and…

Mengele’s unknown writings to be auctioned

By Thomas Kues On 30 June 2011 the following news item was published by PRNewswire:[1] Sixty-six years after the notorious Nazi death camp at Auschwitz was liberated and the horrific crimes of Dr. Josef Mengele were first revealed, Alexander Historic Auctions of Stamford, Connecticut (an affiliate of Alexander Autographs, Inc., www.alexautographs.com) has obtained for auction…

Skin discoloration caused by carbon monoxide poisoning – Reality vs. Holocaust eye-witness testimony

The following text is a revised and updated version of an article originally published by the CODOH Revisionist Library website. Sensitive readers are cautioned that the article contains photographs of human corpses which may be deemed disturbing. By Thomas Kues 1. Introduction According to orthodox holocaust historiography, carbon monoxide from engine exhaust was used to…

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