
The orthodox Holocaust narrative rests almost exclusively on witness testimony. This section is dedicated to the critique of the witnesses and their statements in literature, media, and courts of law.

Can I Sell You a Testimony?

On Friday, 1 June, I was invited to attend a symposium at Loyola Marymount University Law School Campus in downtown Los Angeles. Arriving early with two companions, gave us a welcome opportunity to explore the campus. To my surprise, there was neither a crucifix nor any other religious symbol on the exterior of the building…

There’s Glory for You!

Recently John Sack and Michael Shermer have addressed the topic of Holocaust revisionism in mainstream publications, Sack in Esquire magazine and Shermer in his book, Denying History. Publicly, both Shermer and Sack are critical of revisionism. This is rather typical for those who want to be able to publish their works through major publishing houses….

The so-called “Holocaust” – Theatre of the Absurd

Beware! If you dare to question anything on this list, be prepared to accept the consequences….you will be imprisoned in many countries. Mass graves expelling geysers of blood;[1] Acid or boiling-water baths to produce human skeletons;[2] Injections into the eyes of inmates to change their eye color;[3] Production of shrunken heads from bodies of inmates;[4]…

Uncle Remus Goes to Dachau

In Berlin the other day the Berlin chapter of B'nai B'rith bestowed the Raoul Wallenberg award on Paul Parks, 77, a Boston civil rights leader who has long been active in Massachusetts politics. The occasion of Parks' honor stems from his claim that he liberated the concentration camp at Dachau, and was, in fact the…

The Wiesenthal Files: What the Documents Reveal about Simon Wiesenthal’s Past, Part 2

Chapter 2: New Light on a Dark Past The Institute for Historical Review has recently obtained from the U.S. National Archives a copy of a document dating from 1945 that provides new evidence that famed “Nazi hunter” Simon Wiesenthal collaborated with the Soviet Union during the Second World War.[1] The author of the document, a…

Eye Witness Testimony of Homicidal Gassings in German Concentration Camps During World War II

1. Some basic comments Nobody disputes that Jews were persecuted during The Second World War. That persecution was real and brutal; however, revisionist researchers dispute the existence of a National Socialist program aimed at a systematic destruction of the Jews, or that there were extermination camps with gas chambers for the killing of Jewish prisoners,…

The Eichmann Gambit

When confronted with the horns of dilemma, pick up a handful of sand and throw it in the bull's eyes. The defense attorneys for Deborah Lipstadt must have had something like that in mind, for in the last days of the Irving trial they made a spectacular but utterly meaningless gesture: they announced that they…

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