
The orthodox Holocaust narrative rests almost exclusively on witness testimony. This section is dedicated to the critique of the witnesses and their statements in literature, media, and courts of law.

The Guilt of Oskar Gröning and the Innocence of Jewish Sonderkommandos

The much-ballyhooed trial in Lüneburg, Germany of a 93-year-old former SS man who served at Auschwitz over 70 years ago adds nothing to the extant case for the Holo and subtracts nothing from the revisionist case against it. Its chief interest is its insistence on the enhanced culpability of the defendant, Oskar Gröning. Nearly all…

Jan Karski’s Visit to Belzec

“Claude Lanzmann: There are no survivors of Belzec. Jan Karski: There are a lot of them!” “One man who tried to stop the Holocaust.” “The first witness to the Holocaust.” Superlatives have never been lacking in descriptions of the Polish courier Jan Karski. His celebrity has extended to academia, where much ink has been spilled…

The Karski Report: The Holocaust in Miniature

This issue of Inconvenient History features an article by Friedrich Jansson that is appropriate to the Year 2014, designated by the Sejm (legislature) of Poland the Year of (Jan) Karski, the intrepid courier/witness for the London-based government-in-exile of Poland, born in Poland one hundred years ago. The article discloses, for the first time of which…

The Importance of Anne Frank

By Richard A. Widmann and David Merlin – The story of Anne Frank and her family is well-known through the diary bearing her name. This tragic tale is frequently used to counter Holocaust revisionists. The details of the story are often forgotten or replaced with assumptions regarding the fates of Anne Frank and her family….

Misha: Surviving with Wolves – Or Lying with Wolves?

Misha (deWael) Defonseca was unquestionably a victim, if a “collateral” victim, of the Germans who were occupying her country of Belgium when she was four years old. They executed both of her parents after duly trying them as resistance fighters and finding them guilty. That all this, including their execution, was perfectly legal under the…

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