Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

Bełżec – The dubious claims of Michael Tregenza

In 1999, an article by Tregenza entitled “Bełżec – Das vergessene Lager des Holocaust” (Bełżec – The Forgotten Camp of the Holocaust) was published in a German anthology of academic writing on the Holocaust.[1] This article was later critiqued by Italian revisionist researcher and writer Carlo Mattogno in his 2004 book on the Bełżec camp.[2]…

The Importance of Arolsen

About a year and a half ago, in Smith's Report #140, Professor Arthur R. Butz published a short piece on the partial and severely restricted “opening” of the International Tracing Service archives in Bad Arolsen, Germany, which contains millions of Third Reich dossiers on concentration camp prisoners and others, captured by the Allies at the…

Alfred Wetzler and “The True Story of the Auschwitz Protocol”

1.Introduction 1.1. Wetzler and Vrba Slovak Jew Alfréd Wetzler (1918-1988), who was deported to Auschwitz Birkenau in 1942, can best be described as the unknown sidekick to Rudolf Vrba (Walter Rosenberg). Together the two Slovak-Jewish “death camp” escapees wrote the so-called Auschwitz Protocol or Vrba-Wetzler Report, which in 1944 was published in English translation by…

The Alleged Experimental Gassings at Belzec

The testimony of Stanislaw Kozak Stanislaw Kozak, a locksmith, was one of twenty Bełżec locals who participated in the construction of the alleged extermination camp to the south-east of this small Polish community. On October 14, 1945, Kozak was interrogated by the regional investigative judge Czeslaw Godzieszewski. According to his testimony, Kozak and the other…

Keine Liquidierung

The 1977 publication of David Irving's fine military history Hitler's War provoked an uproar over what should have been a marginal point but which, with ironic collaboration between Irving and his critics, has become the central point of the book. Irving claimed that Hitler knew nothing of physical extermination of the Jews until late in…

Speaking about Satan

Yehuda Bauer was born in Prague in 1926. In 1939, he and his family migrated to Palestine. After fighting in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, Bauer completed a degree in history, and in 1960 he received his doctorate. Bauer was a founding editor of Journal for Holocaust and Genocide Studies and also served on the editorial…

The Lies, Slips, Bungles and Perjuries of Filip Mueller, Professional Witness of Auschwitz-Birkenau

For the German People 1. Introduction Former Auschwitz-Birkenau inmate Filip Müller is known as the only prisoner in the Sonderkommando (the alleged secret Special Command used in homicidal gassing facilities in the Third Reich’s concentration camp system) who is believed to have spent nearly his entire three years in concentration camps working the gas chambers…

The Myth of Natural Rights and Other Essays

The Myth of Natural Rights and Other Essays by L.A. Rollins Nine-Banded Books, Charleston, WV, 2008. 303pp. The Myth of Natural Rights and Other Essays may be purchased from: http://www.ninebandedbooks.com This is the updated version of Mr. Rollins earlier work. While I briefly debunked Rollins’ debunking of natural rights on Amazon.com, my focus here is…

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