Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

Are Revisionists Anti-Semitic?

Dear AnswerMan, [List of purported anti-Semites deleted] So why is this? If “revisionism” isn't anti-Semitism, then why are there so many anti-Semites in the business? Thanks! Andrew Mathis AnswerMan Replies: AnswerMan! is in the business of answering historical queries, not engaging in polemics. However, you have asked a common question so AnswerMan! will straighten you…

Helicopters at Treblinka?

Dear AnswerMan, Both the 1971 and the 1996 edition of Michael Elkins' book *Forged in Fury* include a passage that describes the aftermath of the Aug. 2, 1943 uprising at the Treblinka concentration camp in Poland. Both editions describe the hunt for the Treblinka escapees—its Jewish inmates—in these terms: “For four days, the Germans prowled…

How did the piles of personal effects get at Auschwitz?

Dear AnswerMan, How did the museum at Auschwitz I amass tons of human hair, dentures, toothbrushes, artificial limbs, cans of Zycon(sic) gas and other tragic “momentos” of the camps? Pauline Friedman AnswerMan Replies: At the end of the war, and to this day piles of—what in any other context would be considered trash—has been presented…


The three lines of Arabic poetry are by the well-known poet Ahmad Shawqi. Shawqi was exiled by then British occupation of Egypt, and he wrote the poem while in exile. The three lines in rough meaning: Would the trees where nightingales are known to sit and sing be a forbidden luxury for them while all…

Is it meaningful to question a state-sponsored extermination plan?

Dear AnswerMan, I am trying to understand the Revisionist stand. In my opinion, the point is Nazis kill millions of people. That really happened! So, how they killed those people and what ways they used to kill them, seem not important.(That is just my opinion.) 60,0000 to 1 million is also a huge number, isn't…

Six Million?

Dear AnswerMan, I read of an article published in an American-Jewish magazine in 1905 exposing a Jewish genocide of “6 million” persons during Eastern Europe pogroms. Why wasn't there no such moral rebellion as against the later nazi genocide? Was the world so insensitive about the Jews? [Name Witheld] AnswerMan Replies: The idea of “six…

Why don't you accept the label Holocaust deniers?

Dear AnswerMan, Since you deny that the Holocaust happened, why don't you accept the label Holocaust deniers? Sarah Delillo AnswerMan Replies: Answerman has already responded to the first part of your question, under the post, “Did the Holocaust Exist?” The second part of your question turns on the revisionist rejection of the term, Holocaust Denier….

What About Wannsee?

Dear Answerman: You will find my question combative, no doubt, but I'm curious, nevertheless: At the Wannssee Conference, the Jews were specifically referred to as “the enemy,” and plans were undertaken to remove them to the east. (Hm! China, maybe??) Anyway, here is my question: since Germany had declared war on the U.S. just a…

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