Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

Michael Shermer Tries to Ban my Book, Demands I Recant!

I’ve known little Mikey Shermer since 1993. I tell many interesting stories about this “skeptic” fraud in my book, Republican Party Animal (available from Amazon, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble in the US, Waterstones and Foyles in the UK, Indigo/Chapters in Canada…but enough self-promotion). Shermy got wind of the fact that I include quite a…

The LA Times and the Rosenberg Diary

Los Angeles Times202 W. 1st St.Los Angeles, CA 90012Letters to the Editor[email protected] 12 February 2014 I am writing to comment on a February 6th article by Richard Simon, “The Search for the Lost Nazi diary, regarding the recovery of the diary of Alfred Rosenberg.” The pages of the Rosenberg diary have been posted on the…

A Question for Steven Spielberg

(This note to Spielberg, being distributed at USC and nation-wide, introduces a new angle into this project. More next month.) Steven SpielbergUSC Shoah Foundation650 W. 35th Street, Suite 114Los Angeles, CA 90089-2571213-740-6065;[email protected] January 30 2014 Mr. Spielberg: At USC your Shoah Foundation — The Institute for Visual History and Education, boasts some 52,000 video testimonies…

David Cole on Treblinka

[Editor’s note:  I had a misunderstanding with David about “publishing” this article. “Publishing” meant to me getting it into the hard-copy of Smith’s Report. “Publishing” for David meant “posting” it online and then whatever. In the event, his publisher Adam Parfrey got it up online several days ago. I understood then where I made my…

The Murder of History and the Belfer Foundation for Holocaust Education

Here Jett Rucker addresses what the purpose of the Belfer Workshop really is. This text was forwarded to some 2,400 student organizations and faculty at the six chosen campuses.   The School of Education at six campuses nationwide have been selekted by the Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Foundation http://tinyurl.com/d8zoqt to indoctrinate future teachers in a mendacious,…

Hollywood, the Holocaust, and the Hatred of Truth

Revisionist doyen Robert Faurisson attended the thirtieth annual Fajr International Film Festival in Tehran and there on February 3 delivered a speech whose subject in English was “Against Hollywoodism—Revisionism.” In it, the pioneer revisionist provided a penetrating perspective from a distance of one ulterior aim of what is better known to Americans as “Hollywood morality,”…

To the Abattoir

We were a band of desperate individuals in the heart of the Balkans. And we were doomed to fail; our failure was our only excuse. [Legiuna Archanghelul Mihail] was the only sign that our country could be anything but a fiction. It was a cruel movement, a mixture of pre-history and prophecy, mystique of prayer…

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