Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, “Escaping Hell in Treblinka”

Israel Cymlich, Oskar Strawczynski, Escaping Hell in Treblinka, Yad Vashem, York/Jerusalem 2007 In this volume, historian David Silberklang presents the memoirs of the Polish Jews Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, dated respectively to June 1943 and the summer of 1944. While Strawczynski was a detainee at the “extermination camp”; Treblinka II, Cymlich is one of…

A Revisionist Breeze is Blowing…

Are the officials of Jewish organisations sincere in their constant denunciations of anti-Semitism? At any moment, and for no apparent reason, they’re apt to cry wolf or, rather, yell about how “the womb of the horrid beast (that gave birth to Nazism) is still fertile”;. If need be they invent this purported anti-Semitism, either on…

Holocaust Revisionist Strikes Again

Bradley R Smith, the Holocaust revisionist famous for spouting his views through advertisements in college newspapers, is making waves at Hofstra University. The full-time gadfly has submitted a 24-page booklet portraying death camps as far-fetched sob stories to college newspapers across the country. While Liz Johnson, editor in chief of The Review, refused to publish…

Holocaust Revisionism Is No Longer Merely a Heresy, a Calumny or a Lie—It’s a Threat!

A two-page story in the May 10 New Republic on revisionism and booksellers begins by lamenting that the Internet book selling giant, Amazon.com, not only offers Bradley Smith’s Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist but also carries a glowing, five-star review of the book on its Website. John Podhoretz, editor of the neo-con New York Post…

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Fakes a Photo to Rake in Funds

Looking over a recent U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum fundraising mailer, CODOH researcher Richard Widmann spotted a picture he thought he recognized. Taken at some time after the American liberation of Dachau, the picture (shown below) shows healthy inmates cheerily waving beneath an American flag run up a makeshift flagpole. There was just one problem, however:…

“Mr. Leuchter Has a Point!”

If you’re like us and many other revisionists, you’ve. His career as America's foremost expert in wondered and worried about what’s happened to Fred Leuchter humane execution ruined, thanks to his extraordinary findings and testimony on the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz, forced to dodge trial by a kangaroo court in Germany, Leuchter seemed to…

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