Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

Inside the Gas Chambers

Inside the Gas Chambers, by Carlo Mattogno. The Barnes Review, Washington, DC, 267 pp. $25 The “Holocaust debate” is, at least for the defenders of the regnant account, something of a kabuki dance. The tiny, furious cadre of revisionists dances impotently around the lumbering bulk of the defenders, throwing vicious punch after punch and landing…

The Rise and Fall of Historical Revisionism following World War I

World War I was a tremendous disaster. While estimates vary, most experts agree that over 8 million combatants were killed and another 21 million were wounded.[1] The United States suffered over 116,000 deaths including those attributed to disease and accidents. For the US, it was the costliest war since the American Civil War. However tragic…

Republican Party Animal

Republican Party Animal, by David Cole, Feral House, Port Townsend, WA, 2014, 319 pp. Republican Party Animal is a layered chronicle of David Cole’s short but storied public career as a “Jewish Holocaust denier” and of his equally unlikely “second life” as David Stein, when he would come to play an influential role as an…

Heretics, Sacralization, and Fear in the Heart of the Journalist

What follows is an exchange (not) between Albert Richardson of the British website What Really Happened? (http://tinyurl.com/oc9g8un) and Will Storr, a highly praised British journalist who is interested in “heretics,” though not so much it appears as he was before being addressed by Mr. Richardson. In the event, Storr represents journalists as a class, weak…

The NS State and how the “Endlösung” developed

By Wilfried Heink- To this day we have no solid evidence showing if and when Hitler decided on this so-called “Endlösung”, i.e., “The Holocaust”. Many theories have been advanced, one by Gerlach for instance who claims Hitler made his wish known to kill all Jews during a meeting of December 12,1941. Just speculations, of course….

Nazi Botched Gassings?

A new book, Gruesome Spectacles by Austin Sarat, is gaining some attention, partly because of the recent botched execution by lethal injection in Oklahoma. Were there ever any "botched" mass gassings of Jews in Nazi Germany? If not, why not? Given the complexity and record of botched gassings in the US where at most two…

Jewish Loyalty to Israel and “Holocaust Denial” in the Minds of Non-Jews

I In May of 2014, the highly influential Jewish-Zionist organization, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) published their widely publicized and acclaimed, world-wide “survey on Anti-Semitism.” Many of the world’s important news outlets published a story about it, and when this writer carried out a Google Search for “ADL Global 100: An Index of Anti-Semitism,” 385,000 results…

A Holocaust Revisionist Response to Pope Francis’s claim that “Holocaust Denial is madness”

According to a June 13, 2014, news report, Pope Francis claimed in an interview to a Spanish newspaper that “Holocaust Denial” is “madness.” This truly is a bizarre statement on the Pope’s part, because with regard to the traditional Holocaust story, the Papacy has a documented track record of piously promoting Holocaust falsehood, while the…

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