Jewish Power + Influence

How influential are Jewish pressure groups and individuals in the world, in western nations, and specifically in the U.S.? Is this influence too great or too small? Is it beneficial or detrimental? Far from providing a ready answer, CODOH offers the views of others for contemplation.

The ADL’s “Big Lie” Campaign

The huge success of revisionist outreach via the Internet by CODOHWeb and other on-line revisionists has been recently acknowledged by none other than the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL). Stung by our breakthroughs, ADL has launched a new on-line smear, titled “Poisoning the Web: Hatred on Line.” This “report” on “hatred” predictably targets various…

Oh, Willis Carto, We Hardly Knew Ye

Mark Oppenheimer, a professor at Yale University, writes for The New York Times Magazine, The Believer, Salon, Slate, Mother Jones, The Nation, The New Republic and others, in addition to The Tablet. So we should take him seriously. In his Tablet article of 2 November, this Jewish writer notes that Willis Carto was a “plain…

He Loves Children

Lord Greville Janner, 27-year former member of Britain’s House of Commons, is best known for having spearheaded the foundation of that country’s Holocaust Education Trust, which sees to the thorough—and thoroughly exterminationist—teaching of “Holocaust history” to all the children in all the schools in the British Isles. He also has been president of the Board…

ADL Crackdown on Student Editors Can’t Stop CODOH’s Campus Reward Ad

As CODOH’s $250K reward ad continues to multiply on campuses across America, the Anti-Defamation League—the ad’s chief target—has been forced to take public notice. Unable to block the ad’s placement at most colleges, ADL has marshaled its allies and surrogates in the Hillel Foundation and elsewhere to cajole or to pressure university administrators and faculty…

Of Dracula and Chia Pets

A column in the Jewish World (March 27-April 1998) gives a revealing, behind-the-scenes glimpse at how professional censors within the Jewish community think and operate against CODOH and the Campus Project. Writer Mik Moore edits New Voices, a publication of the Jewish Student Press Service, and is a recent graduate of Vassar. That last bit…

How the Holocaust Claims Fresh Victims—Today

General Electric used to promote its consumer products[1] as “The Gift That Keeps on Giving.” In the present day, that historical confabulation packaged under the name of “The Holocaust” (capital letters, please) continues to take victims, even if it does not often, as alleged by the promoters of the traditional horror story, actually kill them….

Elie Wiesel Focuses on Danger of Internet

In a recent interview, super-survivor, Nobel laureate and selfproclaimed human cannonball (see SR 42, “Elie Wiesel: Sometimes the Truth Is an Accident”) Wiesel unbosomed himself to The Jerusalem Post on the “deniers” (that’s us, folks). As paraphrased by the Post, Elie said this regarding the chief avenue of attack along which revisionism is storming against…

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