Modern Israel, non-historical

The establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine was justified as a necessary protection from another Holocaust. Thus, the creation of modern Israel on the land of another people is a direct political consequence of the Holocaust lore. Contributions in this section deal with the creation and history of the Jewish State, covering its political, societal, religious, and military trials and tribulations, as well as the relationship it has with its neighbors and its treatment of Israel's ethnically non-Jewish inhabitants.

God Yes, Holocaust No

Doug Collins, an award-winning Canadian journalist and author of several books, served with the British army during the Second World War. For 14 years, he wrote a popular column for the North Shore News of North Vancouver, British Columbia. His addressed the Tenth IHR Conference (1990). This column, distributed on-line, is dated September 26, 2000….

Report of Israeli Eavesdropping on White House Telephones Gets Varying Media Treatment

Richard H. Curtiss is executive editor of The Washington Report from Middle East Affairs (P.O. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009). When he retired from the US foreign service, Curtiss was chief inspector of the US Information Agency. He is also the author of A Changing Image: American Perspectives of the Arab-Israeli Dispute and Stealth PACs:…

United States Aid to Israel Now Exceeds $90 Billion

Richard H. Curtiss is executive editor of The Washington Report from Middle East Affairs (P.O. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009). When he retired from the US foreign service, he was chiefinspector of the US Information Agency. Curtiss is also the author of A Changing Image: American Perspectives of the Arab-Israeli Dispute and Stealth PACs: Lobbying…

From Its Beginning, Israeli Policy Promoted War, Not Peace

In May 14, 1948, Britain ended its mandate over Palestine and Jews declared the establishment of Israel. General Sir Alan Cunningham, the British High Commissioner in Palestine, felt on his departure an “overwhelming sadness … Thirty years and we achieved nearly nothing.”[1] Donald Neff Donald Neff has written several books on US-Middle East relations, including…

Jews: A Religious Community, a People, or a Race?

Defining “Jew” has never been simple. Is he someone who practices Judaism, the Jewish religion, or is he identified by his ancestry? While many Americans assume that Jews are essentially a religious group, Jews themselves take for granted that their community is much more ethnic-national than it is religious. Benjamin Netanyahu, until recently Israel’s prime…

Historical Myth Justifies Golan Heights Occupation

Israeli, Syrian and United States negotiators have recently been meeting to work out an agreement by which Israel will return to Syria the Golan Heights, a portion of territory seized by Israeli forces in 1967. According to Israeli diplomatic sources and Israeli newspaper reports (early January 2000), the Jewish state’s price for the turnover is…

The Myth of a ‘Land Without People for a People Without Land’

Immediately following its publication in late 1995, Les mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne (“The Founding Myths of Israeli Policy”), touched off a storm of controversy. Its octogenarian Communist-turned-Muslim author had taken aim at the historical legends cited for decades to justify Zionism and the Jewish state, including the most sacred of Jewish-Zionist icons, the…

Zionism and Anti-Semitism: A Strange Alliance Through History

Allan C. Brownfeld is a syndicated columnist and associate editor of the Lincoln Review, a journal published by the Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, and editor of Issues, the quarterly journal of the American Council for Judaism. This article is reprinted from the July-August 1998 issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs…

Israel is Developing ‘Ethnic Bomb’ for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal

Israel is working on an “ethnically targeted” biological weapon that would kill or harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources cited in a front-page report in the London Sunday Times, November 15, 1998 (“Israel Planning ‘Ethnic’ Bomb as Saddam Caves In,” by Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin). In developing…

Unprecedented US Aid to Israel Began Under the Sinai Agreements

Donald Neff is author of several books on US-Middle East relations, including the 1995 study, Fallen Pillars: US. Policy Toward Palestine and Israel Since 1945, and his 1988 Warriors trilogy. This article is reprinted from the January-February 1997 issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (P.O. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009). In January…

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