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Artificial Intelligence for Revisionism

I remember dimly reading articles online where mainstream authors were outraged – and revisionist bloggers quite pleased – that artificial intelligence (AI) seems to side with revisionist arguments when it comes to technical questions. This also seems to be the case with some political topics, were politically “incorrect” conclusions are drawn by data-gathering and analyzing…

Women on the Web

(From The Chronicle of Higher Education, 4 August 1995.) The World-Wide Web is attracting more women and people without technical backgrounds to the Internet. Those are among the conclusions of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, who conducted a survey of about 13,000 Web users this spring. Georgia Tech researchers… found that 15.5 per…


The below notice was false news, as this website amply proves. But… since we post it all, here it is. Webmaster This is the final edition of Smith’s Report. I’m not going away. Those of you who have supported my work over the years, as well as those who have begun to contribute recently, will…

Spiegelmaus artist retires from SR

The very professional artist who has been drawing the Spiegelmaus cartoons has decided, for reasons of health, to stop drawing them. The artist says that the stress of working with the material inflames the lining of his stomach. I know the feeling. If any of you knows someone who knows someone who might be interested…

Inconvenient History: Latest Stats

Inconvenient History:A Quarterly Journal For Free Historical Inquiry The report shows a comparison of the first quarter of 2014 vs. the first quarter of 2013. The most important stat is Unique Visitors, up 46.99% for a total of 58,710 new visitors! The Latest Stats Visits: 277.975 vs. 196,063 Unique Visitors: 183,659 vs. 124,949 Page Views:…

Race and History, Part 1

In the interests of fairness and truth, this review was sent to Professor Jared Diamond prior to its publication here. He was asked to identify any statements that he believes to be false or misleading. No response had been received by press time. Do Human Races Exist? Do Racial Differences Influence History? In every society…

Murray Rothbard

Murray Rothbard’s works taken as a whole “present the equivalent of a unified field theory of the social sciences,” according to his biographer.[1] Born in 1926 in the Bronx to Russian-Jewish parents, he was a polymath of such broad erudition and accomplishment that his nominal classification as an “economist” captures a good deal less than…

Glayde Whitney, 1940-2002

The Institute lost a friend in January, when Glayde Whitney passed away in Tallahassee at the age of sixty-two. Professor Whitney, a member of the faculty of Florida State University, had achieved eminence for his research in the field of behavioral genetics. A few years ago he made waves at his university and among his…

Doug Collins Dies at 81

Doug Collins, award-winning journalist, staunch defender of freedom of speech, and friend of historical revisionism, died on September 29, 2001, after a brief illness. He was eighty-one. He is survived by his wife, three adult sons, and seven grand-children. From 1984 until his retirement in 1997 his regular column in the North Shore News of…

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