

This Is What CODOH Should Do

Below we reprint a number of reactions to last issue’s call for input regarding CODOH’s future. In contrast to the print version of Smith's Report, we reproduce them here here all and completely. My comments are inserted after some entries in italics.—GR We are of course fortunate to have an academic researcher on the codoh…

A Christmas Tale

It was probably my eighth Christmas and we were still living in the little house behind a regular house in South Los Angeles. I slept on the sofa there until I was ten in what we called the “front room,” and to get to the bathroom I would have had to go outside across the…


Instead of using the word “revisionism” to articulate or update history more accurately, why not use the term “data based?” Data based information” is a more effective term that “revisionist information.” Ermanno Barone, CA Interesting idea, but I think we’re stuck with “revisionist.” I made copies of your last Smith's Report and the “$250,000” ad…


This morning I was going down the outside stairs along the back wall of the house when a sudden rain squall blowing in off the ocean slapped me across the face and gave me a quick wet down. There was a moment when I was very awake, then it went away. At the bottom of…

Other Stuff

TRANSLATORS—The first responses to my call for translators are trickling in. I am sending your names to Jan Metz, managing editor for translators, and he will be in touch with you shortly. We need help in every language, but at this time particularly with translating materials from English into the Romance languages, particularly Spanish, Portuguese…


The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate, is one of the best revisionist articles I have read. It has the additional advantage of being in leaflet form. I put them in the postage-free return envelopes I get with my junk-mail. You used to advertise this leaflet in Smith’s Report. Why don’t you still do…


In the previous issue of SR I wrote about how, as part of the Campus Project, I had started putting together a “fax-web” connecting the campus and off campus newspaper editors who have run our ads, printed our opinion pieces, or have run comment on any of it. It was a good idea. It’s getting…

Other Stuff

TRANSLATORS—About 18 months ago I asked SR readers for volunteers to help us translate documents into Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German, Polish, Russian—or any other languages. All work done would be published on the Internet, on our World Wide Web site, and become part of a permanent, multi-lingual library of documents relating to revisionist theory….


In April of 1996, Senators Boxer (CA) and Spector (PA) gifted $1 million to Steven Spielberg for his Shoah Holocaust project where the money would be used to pay for recording 50,000 holocaust survivor voices around the world—the money came out of the House Appropriations Committee Library Funds—education funds intended for the libraries (see Washington…


You never know when you will suffer a small epiphany. I was telling Bill Jefferson, one of my more critical volunteer advisors, about how the Georgia State Signal has been a rock over the past few years, steadfastly publishing CODOH advertisements and bearing up under criticism from the Georgia press and the Lobby again and…

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