


[Please inform me if you do not want your name mentioned in SR. While I read every letter that crosses my desk, I can not respond to any that does not pertain to important business needing immediate attention.] I just read David Cole's “repudiation” on the CODOH website. Instant reactions: You are quite right to…

Other Stuff

HELP! Check your records. I still have not worked out the program for sending subscription reminders. Too busy. I guess I’m counting on you. It’s worked so far. If you have not contributed to CODOH or Smith’s Report in ten months or longer, your time is come. I balk at not continuing to send you…


Your Web site on the Internet is overwhelming for someone just “tuning in.” How about a guide, on your site that, for beginners, would recommend where to go first? B.F., Tucson AZ Good idea. I'll run it past the gang. I am a “Morgenthau Plan” survivor. This gets them every time. I am from Silesia,…


This issue of Smith’s Report is the fiftieth I’ve published since the first one in the spring of 1990. Fully a third of those issues have appeared in the last two years. I got involved in promoting Holocaust revisionism in July, 1984, just after the arson attack that burned the Institute for Historical Review to…

What Should CODOH Do?

As CODOH enters a new phase in its history, it is time to take stock. Because even for us at CODOH it is true that those who control the past, control the present, and those who control the present, control the future. So, first we, the team of Trustees and volunteers at CODOH, are trying…

Reorganizing CODOH

Hurray, we did it! CODOH is now officially a Charitable Trust, has its own Tax ID, a new postal address, a new bank account, and even a real phone number. And it wasn’t impeded by anything Bradley Smith or his stepdaughter did or did not do, as stated in the last Editorial, but rather by…

Other Stuff

If you would like to read “God Bless the Hillel Rabbis,” mentioned above by a sensitive and perceptive explorer of CODOHWeb, I’ll be glad to send it along for our usual generous donation. (“God Bless. .. “ is a 3,100-word excerpt from the book manuscript I’m working on titled A Simple Writer.) I want to…


The Web/Net may be the last battlefield in this whole enterprise. Hoaxery has pretty well driven opposition almost totally from the printed media, and with the severe reprimand even from the land’s national legislature by a unanimous vote condemning any and all who question Establishment hoaxery, it would seem the matter is becoming increasingly dangerous….


It’s the first week in December and the fallout from the Campus Project is cascading down all around me. Who was the little guy who used to worry that the sky might fall? There is so much media from campus and off-campus that I have to admit I am unable to stay on top of…


If you contributed to CODOH or Smith’s Report before 30 August 19%, and have not contributed since, your time has come You’re help is appreciated, and will be used as productively as possible. The last issue of Smith’s Report (#47) reported, prematurely and incorrectly, that Robert Faurisson was fined “over $4,000 for violating France’s Fabius-Gayssot…

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