


(All letters are subject to editing at the whim of this editor, particularly for length, but also for curse words, gratuitous insults and a perverse desire to keep things focused. Those letters which are sent on disk have a substantially better chance of being reproduced here without error than those which are sent the good…

Me and my Memory

I seldom make an effort to try to remember what I read. I allow memory to take care of itself. My experience is that with me memory is pretty good at recalling certain kinds of daily events, but it doesn’t have all that much interest in remembering what others write. As it is, without my…


Friend: The dog-days of August are upon us, the temperatures here in the San Joaquin Valley average 95 to 105 degrees, while the snow that we can still see on the crests of the Sierra Nevada is pouring down into the ten-foot-wide canals that bisect the city. One canal lies right behind our backyard fence…


Friend: This issue of Smith’s Report, which you will note is on schedule, updates the progress of the Campus Project for the 1994 / 95 academic year, then turns to respond to an open letter addressed to me by Willis Carto, formerly with the Institute for Historical Review, which is being circulated around the globe,…


I’m in roughly the same situation I was this time last month, but I have something of a grasp on it. I’ve simplified Smith’s Report so that I can finish it in three working sessions rather than, as in the past, 10 sessions and oftentimes more. I’ve cleared my desk of several projects I was…


Carlos Porter on how to document collections of human skulls, document gassings anywhere, and document documents. I see that we are back in the land of “may have” that we once visited with Charles Provan. This story about Strathof and Joseph Kramer is the same old crap that William L. Shirer dished up over 30…


Friend: I know! I killed Smith’s Report two months ago! So what’s this? After I killed SR, I said I was going to keep you informed monthly of what’s going on here. If I’m going to write you monthly, what am I going to call the letter I write? I’ve got to call it something….


Friend: Sometimes you have to pause, or even take a step backward, reassess the work you've been doing, then take another run at it from a new angle. This letter, then, will inform you how it came about that I decided to kill Smith's Report (SR) and what's on the burner for the immediate future….


The below notice was false news, as this website amply proves. But… since we post it all, here it is. Webmaster This is the final edition of Smith’s Report. I’m not going away. Those of you who have supported my work over the years, as well as those who have begun to contribute recently, will…

Spiegelmaus artist retires from SR

The very professional artist who has been drawing the Spiegelmaus cartoons has decided, for reasons of health, to stop drawing them. The artist says that the stress of working with the material inflames the lining of his stomach. I know the feeling. If any of you knows someone who knows someone who might be interested…

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