


I read everything sent me but regretfully can not reply to that which is not of great immediate importance. All correspondence received is considered public domain unless specifically and plainly marked otherwise. If you do not want to be identified by name in SR, please say so in writing. Because SR is a newsletter, not…


Charles Provan More on Pfannenstiel and Robert Faurisson. It isn’t exterminationists alone who have their reasons for wanting to control who is allowed to view and who is prohibited from viewing historical documents relating to holocaust studies. At the time I read Dr. Faurisson’s short 1986 analysis of the Pfannenstiel testimony in the Journal for…

A Careless Editorial Decision by Smith Compromises both Faurisson and Cole

Issue 26 of Smith's Report ran a letter by Robert Faurisson in which he wrote: “About David Cole’s text on the highly likely’ allegation that Jews were gassed at Struthof [see SR25] : Cole did not give us one word on Professor Rene Fabre’s testimony! Not one word on Pressac’s allusions to it in his…


Because of substantial contributions over the last six weeks by three supporters, to each of whom I here reiterate my appreciation, all my personal accounts are current. Additionally, my business and credit card debts, which had soared to $15,800, now stand at $12,900. Interest on the card debt alone is about $330 a month. The…


(All letters are subject to editing at the whim of this editor, particularly for length, but also for curse words, gratuitous insults and a perverse desire to keep things focused. Those letters which are sent on disk have a substantially better chance of being reproduced here without error than those which are sent the good…

Me and my Memory

I seldom make an effort to try to remember what I read. I allow memory to take care of itself. My experience is that with me memory is pretty good at recalling certain kinds of daily events, but it doesn’t have all that much interest in remembering what others write. As it is, without my…


Friend: The dog-days of August are upon us, the temperatures here in the San Joaquin Valley average 95 to 105 degrees, while the snow that we can still see on the crests of the Sierra Nevada is pouring down into the ten-foot-wide canals that bisect the city. One canal lies right behind our backyard fence…


Friend: This issue of Smith’s Report, which you will note is on schedule, updates the progress of the Campus Project for the 1994 / 95 academic year, then turns to respond to an open letter addressed to me by Willis Carto, formerly with the Institute for Historical Review, which is being circulated around the globe,…


I’m in roughly the same situation I was this time last month, but I have something of a grasp on it. I’ve simplified Smith’s Report so that I can finish it in three working sessions rather than, as in the past, 10 sessions and oftentimes more. I’ve cleared my desk of several projects I was…


Carlos Porter on how to document collections of human skulls, document gassings anywhere, and document documents. I see that we are back in the land of “may have” that we once visited with Charles Provan. This story about Strathof and Joseph Kramer is the same old crap that William L. Shirer dished up over 30…

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