

National Socialism and Fascism

The Revisionist Historians and German War Guiltby Warren B. Morris. Brooklyn: Revisionist Press, 1977. 141 pp. $69.95. Objective, analytical study of the foundations of revisionist historiography relating to Germany and its roles in the Second World War. Includes discussions of A.J.P. Taylor, David L. Hoggan, Harry Elmer Barnes, Paul Rassinier, Arthur R. Butz. Extensive notes…

Oswald Mosley Reconsidered

In the five years and twenty issues of its existence, this journal of contemporary history, devoted to the unusual and the unsung – to histories untold or told generally from only one point of view, to people and ideas, movements and events and interpretations not often given (so we from our perspective suppose) a fair…

'The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry’: An Exchange

Editor’s Note: Earlier this year Mr. John Bennett, head of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, sent a copy of Walter N. Sanning’s 1983 book The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry to Dr. W. D. Rubinstein of the School of Social Sciences at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. Professor Rubinstein has been a leading Australian critic of…

A Note From The Editor

In 1979 a group of 34 French historians, reacting to the first discom­fitures caused by Professor Robert Faurisson’s investigations of the World War II “gas chambers” allegation, published a declaration in Le Monde which contained these sentences: …. It is not necessary to ask how technically such mass murder was possible. It was possible, seeing…

Unanswered Correspondence

Christopher HitchensNew Statesman10 Great TurnstileLondon WCIV 7HJ England Dear Christopher Hitchens: 26 August 1980 If the New Statesman is not “part of Israel's media chorus” (NS 20 June 1980) then why is it that your paper refused to print letters from three distinguished Revisionist academics, after they were slandered in your tractate last November? Your…

A Note from the Editor

Well, what does one say on assuming the editorship of The Journal of Historical Review? “Hello,” I suppose. I know these are some pretty big boots to fill, especially with the violent cross-fire and all. But the fruits of Revisionism, in my view, are just too valuable to take lightly. We can certainly use a…

Italian Fascism: An Interpretation

When the Grand Council of Fascism on 25 July 1943 removed Benito Mussolini from his position as head of government, fascism ended in Italy. Its ending was as surprising as its beginning, when, on 28 March 1922, some 300,000 Blackshirts under Mussolini's command seized the Italian state. The events between those dates can be chronicled….

A Note From The Editor

Placing his career and personal safety on the line, Dr. Robert Faurisson of France has pursued the forbidden facts whose time have come. His research has been brought to light in the U.S., of course, via The Journal of Historical Review. In Europe, though, his views are gaining broader notoriety as a result of a…

A Note From The Editor

The issue you now hold in your hands marks the beginning of our third year of continuous on-time publication of The Journal of Historical Review – an accomplishment of no small magnitude considering the incessant and sundry counter-efforts of the forcefully disagreeable. You may notice that many of the pages herein have been set in…

A Note From The Editor

With the recent (second) fire-bombing of the IHR offices, one could say that this – our first 128 page Journal of Historical Review – has been launched with a real bang! Our gain is substantial and lasting. That of the “Jewish Defenders” was but a moment of typical destructive glee. How invidious the minds must…

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