

A New Cycle

That marvelous entity, the human body, goes through a process whereby it constantly renews its cells. Old, injured, or malfunctioning cells die off and new ones replace them. After a cycle lasting approximately seven years, the human body is completely renewed; all the cells are brand new, and the body starts a fresh cycle. The…

Oswald Mosley Reconsidered

In the five years and twenty issues of its existence, this journal of contemporary history, devoted to the unusual and the unsung – to histories untold or told generally from only one point of view, to people and ideas, movements and events and interpretations not often given (so we from our perspective suppose) a fair…

'The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry’: An Exchange

Editor’s Note: Earlier this year Mr. John Bennett, head of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, sent a copy of Walter N. Sanning’s 1983 book The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry to Dr. W. D. Rubinstein of the School of Social Sciences at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. Professor Rubinstein has been a leading Australian critic of…

A Note From The Editor

In 1979 a group of 34 French historians, reacting to the first discom­fitures caused by Professor Robert Faurisson’s investigations of the World War II “gas chambers” allegation, published a declaration in Le Monde which contained these sentences: …. It is not necessary to ask how technically such mass murder was possible. It was possible, seeing…

The Discovery of Insulin

The Priority of N.C. Paulescu in the Discovery of Insulin by Ion Pavel. Bucharest: Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, 1976, 251pp, 13.50 Lei. No award is more highly regarded around the world than the Nobel Prize. It is the most coveted recognition of exceptional achievement in the major fields of human endeavor. Despite…

A Bibliography of Works on and Relating to Oswald Mosley and British Fascism

All About Sir Oswald Mosley. Sheffield: All-British Anti-Fascist Committee, 1937. Allen, W.E.D. “The Fascist Idea in Britain.” Quarterly Review Vol. 261 (October 1933), pp. 223–38. American Review (January 1934), pp. 328–38. Reprinted as Fascism in Relation to British History and Character. London: BUF Publications, n.d. [1933]. Annan, Noel. “Sir Oswald Leave the House” [review of…

Ronald Reagan’s Political and Cultural Folklore

This article focuses on the American dominant culture’s world view implicit in Ronald Reagan’s politics. Taking a New Left approach to cultural history, it assumes that proletarians, rural people, and “pre-modern” people are not the only social groups who have a folklore; that the American dominant culture also has a folklore; that if New Left…

National Socialism and Fascism

The Revisionist Historians and German War Guiltby Warren B. Morris. Brooklyn: Revisionist Press, 1977. 141 pp. $69.95. Objective, analytical study of the foundations of revisionist historiography relating to Germany and its roles in the Second World War. Includes discussions of A.J.P. Taylor, David L. Hoggan, Harry Elmer Barnes, Paul Rassinier, Arthur R. Butz. Extensive notes…

Pearl Harbor: The Latest Wave

The latest furious round of publication and ensuing controversy about Pearl Harbor erupted at the end of 1981, and has not simmered down yet. The opening shot was the release in November that year of Gordon W. Prange’s massive At Dawn We Slept: The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor. Prange had been working on the…


MIRACLE AT MAJDANEK? The Majdanek “gas chambers” are no longer a mystery. Finally, after 3 talks with the Majdanek director, Mr. Edward Dziadosz, and the custos, Madam Henryka Telesz, it has at last been admitted that the “gas chambers” are not authentic. They were built and set in order after the war. Dziadosz informed us…

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