

The “Mommy” Mommsen Show

Starring Professor Hans Mommsen of Bochum University, Germany, as himself Peter Monteith as the Grinning Clown David Brockschmidt as the Crusading Revisionist Plus Peter Monteith’s Overweight Bodyguard Peter’s two Goons with clubs and handcuffs The Mystery Screamer Twenty intelligent students (rumor has it, they exist) It was 10:55 a.m. on the crisp Adelaide winter morning…

Letters to the Editor

General Remarks Allied War Crime and Catacomb Revisionists Dear Mr. Rudolf! It is always commendable to commemorate the victims of injustice. In this regard I may report about an incidence, which occurred parallel to the liberation, or better transfer (this event happened peacefully, as is known), of the concentration camp Mauthausen. On May 4, 1945,…

A Footnote of Irony

A few weeks ago I met Dietmar Munier in Chicago, owner of the medium-sized publishing company Arndt in Kiel, northern Germany. He was hunting original color photographs of the Third Reich era for his many upcoming book projects, and while visiting archives in the United States, he decided to stop by and meet me so…

Letters to the Editor

General Remarks Walter Lüftl Defeats Pavlov Dear Mr. Rudolf! End of 1997, I accidentally tumbled over the topic “revisionism.” I was actually looking for works authored by Walter Lüftl, the former president of Austria’s Chamber of Civil Engineers, who, in the 1980s, had worked on public debt issues and who had published his insights (derived…

Fragments: Another Ordinary Life

*** The CODOH Homepage has been completely restructured. It’s a job that began with one volunteer back in 2010, was interrupted a number of times by real life, but now it’s up. It’s a work-in-progress, as are all Web pages, forever, but it’s up and functioning. What is particularly new about it, other than the…

John Sack in Memoriam

This past April 13th, while I was traveling in Southern California, I received a phone call from my wife informing me that a friend of John Sack had called to inform us that John had passed away March 27th. This friend was going through John’s address book and calling those listed. Of course I was…

Revisionism in Cartoons

In all the years that I worked together with Robert Faurisson on various publication projects, starting with my first meeting with him in Vichy in late fall 1991 until this very day, I have always experienced Robert's gentle and sometimes cynical humor. He frequently sent me cartoons drawn by some of his friends and supporters,…

Upward and Onward

When I published my first revisionist book as a one-man-publisher back in late 1998 while still residing in England,[1] it took only a few months to get a very positive feedback from a well-known revisionist in the U.S., who was not only excited about such a fine study being written and published, but who also…

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