


*** In an article in The Daily Forward we find that a new study on anti-Semitism, commissioned by the German Parliament, concluded among other things that German Holocaust education is fueling German anti-Semitism. It often imposes “exaggerated moral expectations” on students, who respond with an anti-Semitism that is typified by “guilt denial.” They feel accused…

Christmas Letter 2013

Bradley R. SmithPO Box 439016San Ysidro CA 92143Desk: 209 682 5327Founder’s Page: http://codohfounder.com/CODOH: www.codoh.com December 2013 Dear Valued Supporter and (in many, many cases) Friend: Once again, the end of the year is upon us. For me and for CODOH it’s the time to take stock of the past year’s work and to plan for the…


*** Andrew Adler is the Jewish owner and editor of The Atlanta Jewish Times. Early this month he published a column where he wrote that to ensure its continued existence Israel should consider assassinating Barack Obama. To murder Obama is not his first choice. His first two options for protecting the State of Israel would…

A New Online Era

The last print issue of Smith's Report As indicated before, lacking any past payment data linked to your Smith’s Report subscription, we gave every subscriber five free SR issues starting with #214. These subscriptions run out with the present issue. Along with the last issue of SR we asked you all to renew your subscription….

This Is What CODOH Will Do

First of all, CODOH will both grow and shrink. It will grow, because the CODOH Trust now includes the publishing outlet Castle Hill Publishers (CHP) with all its book stock and copyrights. If well-maintained, this will give CODOH a steady source of income and reduce the necessity to beg you all for money. CHP, established…

Fragments: Another Ordinary Life

*** When the Occupy Wall Street movement burst onto the television screens last September I was sympathetic with the outrage and contempt that was being expressed for the greed that is so evident in the “one” percent of American culture. At the same time there was no evident plan to do anything other than protest…

The Last Word

Several of you have asked why, in my Christmas letter last month , there were photos of Irene and me, photos of the three grandchildren, but no photos of the parents of the grand kids. The answer is that our own kids have real lives and no need of being easily identifiable by those employed…


Three Bravos for The Revisionist I got my copy of the first “Revisionist” yesterday and have read it from cover to cover. My conclusion: BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO! I hope you are able to sustain the high level of the first issue. I particularly commend you for continuing all articles on the very next page and…


Friend: The Campus Project kicked off good in October. Smith’s Report has a facelift. We have a new bi-monthly publication, The Revisionist—which you should have received a couple weeks ago. TR has been distributed via the student newspaper at Hofstra University in Hempsted, New York (see story below). And the stats for CODOHWeb demonstrate that…

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