
Information on current events of interest, as far as they are contained in library documents. For more frequently posted brief news items see CODOH's separate News blog.

Widespread Holocaust Doubts in Sweden

Nearly 30 percent of Sweden's elementary and secondary school pupils “have doubts” about the orthodox Holocaust extermination story, a recent survey shows. Calling this “an appalling warning sign,” Prime Minister Goeran Persson responded by promising that his government will increase its emphasis on “Holocaust education.” Beginning this fall, he said, the government will offer “Holocaust…

New IHR Web-Site and E-Mail Addresses

Through his personal Internet Web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including IHR Journal articles and reviews and IHR leaflets. Also included is a listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal, allowing callers to quickly search for titles…

The Institute in the News

In addition to the attention generated because of the impact of its materials on the Internet, the Institute for Historical Review has been attracting other recent media attention. A few highlights: A brief but error-packed item about the Institute appeared prominently in The Washington Post, May 11, under the headline “The Neo-Nazi Network.” With blatant…

News & Comments

Memorial to Romany Victims of Holocaust New York Times24 October 2012 BERLIN — [Edited] Germany paid tribute on Wednesday to the hundreds of thousands of Romany people killed in the Holocaust, opening a long-awaited place of remembrance for a minority still plagued by discrimination. Addressing a crowd that included Holocaust survivors and prominent German politicians,…

In Brief

Another MA Thesis From New Zealand Attacked Canceling A Contract Equals Incitement To Hatred Prohibited Guest Book Entries Austrian Farmer Shows Courage Spontaneous Protest in Berlin against Jews Zyklon vacuum cleaner Scandal About Hitler Statue Ernest Hemingway Exposed As Mass Murderer Revisionist Book Promotion In Estonia Latvia Unveils Holocaust Memorial Croatians Forced To Take Holocaust…

In Brief

Israel Threatens Human Rights Activists Israel Sends out Killers Skull an Outlawed Sign in Germany Filing a Criminal Complaint can be a Crime Fossil-Schwindel Taxi Driver Sentenced for Distributing Brochures Disciplinary Investigation Against Expert Witness House Search at Radio Islam Arab Revisionist Arrested Another French Encyclopedia Scandal German Historian: Some Hitler comparisons okay New Study…

In Brief

Atrocity Propaganda in U.S. Field Dispatch Furniture Dealer Causes Uproar Führer Beetle Marked for Renaming New York Revisionist Attracts Attention Book Review Caused Uproar in England Unprovoked Attack Similar Lies-Similar Liars Move to Revoke Pulitzer Prize Ernst Zündel Treated as Terrorist Austrian Engineer Fröhlich Arrested in Vienna One More Censorship Authority in Germany Escalation of…

In Brief

Belgian Revisionist Sentenced and Raided Again Austrian Revisionist Jailed German Lawyer Loses Passport for Revisionist Views European-Wide Law against Revisionism More Jewish Censorship in New Zealand Australia to Outlaw Criticism of Minorities Forced Commemoration of Lies in Germany Israel-Critical New Zealand Cartoonist Sacked Apologies for Praising Hitler's Economic Success Artistic Freedom for Auschwitz Souvenirs “Health…

In Brief

The USS Liberty Tragedy Will Not Rest; German or American First to Fly? Britain Publishes Air Photos Online; SS Geriatrics Tried in Italy for Alleged War Crimes; Hunting Lithuanian Geriatrics; Former German Camp Guard to be Deported; Wiesenthal Center Organizes Witch Hunt; Finta case changed war crimes prosecutions in Canada; Alleged War Criminal Solomon Morel Safe in Israel; Feminist Conquest of the Holocaust; Muslim Paper Fomenting Hate? Latvian Vulgar Revisionism Denounced; German Cartoon Attacks Holocaust-Promoter; The Auschwitz Tattooist; Swastikas a Felony in New York? And many more…

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