

National-Socialist Book Burning

Numerous books and articles have been written about National-Socialist Germany’s book burning and censorship. Some people even think that Germany’s book burning was the precursor to the “Holocaust.” This article provides the details of the book-burning campaigns under the National-Socialist regime, and how this German censorship compares to that imposed by the Allies against Germany after World War II.

E. Michael Jones Takes on the Holocaust – Part One

Who is E. Michael Jones? Dr. E. Michael Jones, erstwhile professor of English at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, is a very conservative Catholic who has written a number of books espousing a traditional Catholic perspective. He is a popular guest on interview shows in alternative media because of his strong, vividly expressed views. In…

Sylvia Stolz : The Reality of Freedom of Expression (English overdub) (1:33:56)

Sylvia Stolz, a criminal-defense lawyer, was a member of Ernst Zündel’s defense team during his free-speech trial in Germany in 2006/2007. Due to her confrontational defense, she was eventually banned from defending Zündel. Zündel was sentenced to serve a five-years in prison for revisionist statements he had made online and in print, even though those…

Monika Schaefer’s Second Talk with Brian Ruhe since Leaving a German Jail

This is Monika Schaefer's second visit on The Brian Ruhe Show since being freed from an Allied puppet state prison in Germany after 10 months imprisonment for exposing the "Holocau$t" as a fraud. Monika and her brother Alfred, have been active in rebutting the Holocau$t lie. Both Monika and Alfred have recieved prison sentences in…

Monika Schaefer’s Second Talk with Brian Ruhe since Leaving a German Jail

This is Monika Schaefer's second visit on The Brian Ruhe Show since being freed from an Allied puppet state prison in Germany after 10 months imprisonment for exposing the "Holocau$t" as a fraud. Monika and her brother Alfred, have been active in rebutting the Holocau$t lie. Both Monika and Alfred have recieved prison sentences in…

Brian Ruhe, John Kaminski, Diane King (Oct 16, 2018)

Brian Ruhe with Revolution Radio presents John Kaminski and Diane King as they discuss the letters from the imprisoned brother and sister, Alfred and Monika Schaefer in a Munich Germany prison. Brian Ruhe, who was later expelled from his "religion" for exposing the "Holocau$t" lie, the brillant, attractive and delightful Diane King (who with Jim…

Monika Schaefer’s First Public Appearance since Imprisonment in Germany!

Monika Schaefer tells her story for the first time of her imprisonment in Germany since Jan. 3, 2018 for the "hate crime" of Holocaust denial. She has been on The Brian Ruhe Show about ten times before. Monika along with her brother Alfred is a fearless fighter against the “Holocau$t” lie.

Germany Teaches Its Children to Cringe

Nothing shows the sick state of the current German government better than a video posted on Facebook by the German Embassy in Brazil explaining the "culture of remembrance" over the Holocaust in Germany. Heiko Maas, the world leader of the assault on Internet Freedom,  features promenently in the video. The video claims that Germans "don't hide from their past,"…

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