United States of America


Perspectives on the Past and Present

Joseph Sobran is a nationally-syndicated columnist, lecturer, author, and editor of the monthly newsletter Sobran's ([… now defunct; ed.]). “Man of the Century?” is reprinted from the January 6, 2000, issue of the traditionalist Roman Catholic weekly The Wanderer (201 Ohio St., St. Paul, MN 55107). “Persecution Update” is reprinted from the December 1995 issue…

CODOH’s “Revisionist” Distribution Prompts Media Furor

Bradley Smith reports on his work at the Eleventh IHR Conference. Bradley Smith is back in the news. The veteran revisionist activist has touched off a major furor that has received nationwide newspaper and television attention with the distribution at Hofstra University in Long Island, New York, of his new 28-page magazine-format publication. He arranged…

New Attacks Against Arthur Butz for Revisionist Web Site

Ever since the publication two decades ago of his pioneering revisionist study, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Northwestern University teacher Arthur Butz has been something of an embarrassment for the highly regarded private educational institution. Recently the Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering has again come under attack for presenting his dissident view…

Revisionist Global Computer Outreach

The emergence and rapid growth of the “information superhighway” computer network as a vast global communications forum is dramatically transforming the nature of the international struggle for truth in history and for our basic freedoms. Contributing greatly to the phenomenal growth of the already huge “cyberspace” computer link-up is the Internet, a worldwide network of…

Book Detailing Jewish Crimes Against Germans Banned

Germany's cultural-political establishment no longer orders the destruction of “socially dangerous” literature in public bonfires. Today it resorts to more modern, environment-friendly methods to destroy “undesirable” books. In February 1995, thousands of copies of a revisionist work detailing postwar Jewish crimes against Germans were destroyed, following bitter attacks by Germany's cultural establishment. The book, An…

Revisionist Activism

Truck's Message Alerts People in Austin Using his 40-foot-long semi-truck, revisionist activist Rolf Hermes alerted people in Austin, Texas, of the exact times when the David Cole's Piper video would be broadcast there on local public access cable television. No one could fail to see the announcements boldly lettered on the truck's sides. For up…

The Organization of American Historians: Faithfully Reflecting Academic Standards

As one might expect, the recent annual conference of the Organization of American Historians – the foremost association of scholars devoted to US history – and the OAH's scholarly Journal of American History, faithfully reflect the prevailing standards and ideological slant of America's historical “establishment.” At the 1993 OAH Annual Meeting, held April 15-18 in…

Brad Smith’s Campus Project Ad Printed after Furious Clash at University of Texas

A Sacred Cow Is Gored Among the Longhorns Theodore J. O'Keefe is an editor with the Institute for Historical Review, and former editor of the Journal. Educated at Harvard University, he is the author of numerous articles on historical and political subjects. On February 19, after 15 months of intimidation and pressure by the Anti-Defamation…

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