Free Speech + Censorship

The ideal and limits of free speech and expression, and also the free access to information, as well as the various legal and extra-legal attempts at limiting that civil right. Censorship includes not only government actions against any media, published or not, but also the active suppression of such media by mainstream outlets. Unless a report is on free speech and/or censorship in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country discussed.

Free Speech Denied at Berkeley

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell On October 13, at the University of California at Berkeley, the university chancellor cancelled a hall contract for British historian David Irving. It was claimed that the last minute cancellation was due to insufficient security resources. The organizers of Mr. Irving's lecture were forced to move…

A Victory for the Revisionists?

The cover of the June 27-July 3 edition of L'Evénement du jeudi includes a picture of Abbe Pierre and has as its headline: “The Holocaust: a victory for the Revisionists.” Inside the journal some 10 pages are devoted to this story [p. 16-25]; as well, there are references to it appearing on pages 3, 5,…

Freedom fighters on the Internet

FIRST AMENDMENT CYBERTRIBUNE [no longer active] Charles Levendosky, editorial page editor of Casper, Wyoming's Star-Tribune and a past winner of a Playboy Foundation First Amendment Award, pays tribute to the first and best amendment. His site focuses on protecting religious liberty and free speech and includes weekly updates on the activities of the politicians,…

Free Speech Conference Held Despite Official Attacks

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell The Canadian Association for Free Expression's (CAFE) Second Canadian Free Speech Conference in Vancouver, came under severe attack from government and media “censors.” Frantic attempts to cancel the conference demonstrated just how little free expression is left in Canada today. The conference featured Pat Burns, the…

European Union Denies Freedom of the Press

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell The interior ministers of the 15 European nations which comprise the “European Union” agreed to limit freedom of the press by targeting publishers or individuals who print or distribute Holocaust Revisionist books and pamphlets. Under the new European limits on freedom of the press, Britain has…

Clinton Signs Internet Censorship Bill

On February 8, 1996, President Clinton signed a Telecommunications bill into law with the use of an electronic pen. This bill which targets “cybersmut” is the foremost example of censorship of the Internet by a governmental body. The bill's provisions restrict “indecent” material from being presented on the Internet. Under this Orwellian piece of legislation,…

Mirror Site Removed at U Mass.

A graduate student at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Lewis McCarthy, was among those who chose to protect freedom of speech on the internet by fighting the censorship levied against the web site of Ernst Zündel. Officials at U Mass requested that McCarthy remove the materials that he posted on the school's computer system….

German Prosecutors Probe AOL

Feb 2, 1996 Prosecutors in Germany have notified America Online Inc. (AOL) that it may be charged with inciting racial hatred. Prosecutors have recently served similar notice to CompuServe Inc., and T-Online, a division of Deutsche Telekom. Publishing or distributing neo-Nazi literature or literature which questions any part of the orthodox Holocaust story is illegal…

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