

Criminalizing Conscience

On 20 October 2013, Joseph Bellinger passed away. The current article was intended to be a chapter in a book that remained unpublished at the time of his death, The Prohibition of “Holocaust Denial.” We are currently in the process of editing various chapters from this work to prepare them for publication in future issues…

A Revisionist in Prison

1. Introduction For more than a decade now, revisionists have been sent to prison in many European countries. And it is to be expected that many more will follow before the legal situation will change. In this essay I want to give an insight into my own time in various U.S. and German prisons. I…

Resistance Is Obligatory

He who argues that peaceful dissidents on historical issues should be deprived of their civil rights for their diverging views, that is: incarcerated, is – if given the power to implement his intentions – nothing else but a tyrant (if enacting laws to support his oppressive deeds) or a terrorist (if acting outside the law)….

Relegation—A Formula for Blowback

Pre-emptive censorship is a nefarious but effective form of suppression that is as close as this issue’s editorial, in which Richard Widmann reports the peremptory expungement of Inconvenient History’s two bound annual books of our Website’s articles from the offerings of their erstwhile publisher, Lulu Publishing. Not only are our laboriously compiled books no longer…

The Last Word/s

*** A German court in the Bavarian city of Regensburg has thrown out the latest appeal by British Bishop Richard Williamson. The appeal marked the fifth round of court proceedings in this case. The 73-year-old bishop was originally convicted of incitement to hatred after telling Swedish television in a 2009 broadcast that “200,000 to 300,000…

To the Mannheim Jail: Justice and Truth in Contemporary Germany

Fredrick Töben was born in June 1941 in Germany, and emigrated to Australia when he was ten. He studied at Melbourne University in Australia, as well as at universities in Heidelberg, Tübingen and Stuttgart in Germany, where he earned a doctorate in philosophy. He is the founder and director of the Adelaide Institute, an important…

German Court Ruling Threatens Internet Freedom

In an ominous blow against on-line freedom of speech, Germany’s highest court declared on December 12, 2000, that German law banning “Holocaust denial” material applies even to foreigners who post such content on Internet web sites outside of the country, as long as the material is accessible in Germany. The federal supreme court in Karlsruhe,…

The Greatest Dirty Open Secret

Arthur R. Butz was born and raised in New York City. In 1965 he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966 he joined the faculty of Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), where he is now Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In addition to numerous technical papers, Dr. Butz…

The Rudolf Case, Irving’s Lost Libel Suit and the Future of Revisionism

Costas Zaverdinos was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1938. Since 1970 he has been with the University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg), which awarded him a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1984. He is currently an honorary senior lecturer with the University's School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Technology of the Faculty of Science. He is the…

A Black November for Revisionists

On November 1, 2000, French historian and sociologist Serge Thion, 58 and a father of three, was dismissed from the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), without salary or severance pay. [Thion is the author of numerous scholarly articles and several books, including Vérité historique ou vérité politique?, a collection of revisionist essays published…

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