(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

‘Did Six Million Really Die?’

Currently, only the Publisher’s Note has been posted in html format on CODOHWeb. The complete book is available as a PDF download here or can be read on this screen when you scroll all the way down. An new, second edition 8see illustration on the right) can be purchased in print and eBook formats from…

Hillel: The Invidious Reader

I never took journalism (or “communications,” as it’s now known in many places), but I’d caution you, the Campus Editor, to beware the Invidious Reader. Of course, Readers, in and of themselves, are each by default a “good thing.” So much for default. There are, as might be taught in some journalism course, different types…

Michael Santomauro (he’s our guy!) In “The Wall Street Journal”?

Briefly, the offices of a satirical French weekly newspaper, Charlie Hebdo (Charlie Weekly) were firebombed the first week in November http://tinyurl.com/68sq7jy . Charlie, which has a history of publishing cartoons and other materials offensive to many Muslims, was scheduled to publish a special edition of the paper purporting to have Muhammad Himself as guest editor….

CODOH Urges President of Humboldt University, Berlin

Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz, PresidentHumboldt UniversityBerlin, Germany[email protected] San Diego, Cal., November 9, 2011 Dear Prof.-Dr. Olbertz: Through its law school, Humboldt University is hosting a conference this month whose purpose is hostile to freedom of expression. Not only is your august institution making its Grimm Auditorium available for the sessions, two members of the Law…

CODOH Challenges the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (IAJLJ)

San Diego, Cal., November 7, 2011 Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) calls attention to the activities of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (IAJLJ). It is holding a massive promotional event in Berlin entitled “Holocaust Denial and Freedom of Speech in the Internet Era” November 15 to 19, 2011 The…

News from France

At the big demonstration in Paris last Saturday (January 26, "day of anger") against President Hollande and his government some participants, at least one with a megaphone, were heard chanting a slogan that can be translated "Faurisson is right: the gas chambers are a sham".The demonstration gave rise to clashes between marchers and police: there were 262…

Sensation in France: Professor Faurisson Forces the CRIF (Jewish Lobby) into a Humiliating Retreat

The CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France) is the closest thing France has to the United States Jewish lobby’s flagship organization AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). Early each year, for example, the CRIF summons – more than it invites – to a solemn ceremonial dinner most of the country’s government, starting with…

Basking in Reflected Glory

I just published an article in which I argue Global Warming "deniers" are likely to be accorded increasing respect in the years to come as the mean global temperature has ceased to rise and is not likely to for a couple of decades (http://dissidentvoice.org/2013/10/the-climate-change-bug/). It occurs to me that, if I'm correct, this new respectability…

Letter to the Chairperson of the HETI

Peter Cassells, ChairpersonHolocaust Education Trust IrelandClifton HouseLower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2Tel: +353 1 6690593Email: [email protected]http://www.hetireland.org 29 August 2013 Dear Chairperson Cassells- First, congratulations on your election as new Chairperson of HETI. In November 2010 the Holocaust Education Trust held a conference entitled International Conference on Anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Since I am what you refer…

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