(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

The Case of Axel Möller

“We remember only belatedly and with hesitation the suffering that came to Germans during the war.” — Günter Grass In an essay written by Robert G. Moeller, titled "Germans as Victims? Thoughts on a Post–Cold War History of World War II’s Legacies," one is allowed to ask if those who are condemned by their World War II…

German Patriotic Party Excludes Revisionists

German Politican Susanne Ulber has been excluded from the German patriotic, anti-immigration party Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) for having "denied the holocaust". Ulber had posted the video interview German revisionist Ursula-Haverbeck had given to a leftist German government TV channel in early 2015 on her facebook-account. (See here for our report on that event.) On November 19…

German Facebook Trap

Because a man in Germany felt upset during a Facebook exchange over the denial of deliberate murder of Palestinans by Israelis, he posted a satirical comment that, "after all these lies, I slowly get to doubt the truth of the Holocaust." "It's all fake! All propaganda! Where is the evidence! Seen that way, the Jews…

10 Months Prison for Ursula Haverbeck

Ursula Haverbeck Hamburg District Court, Nov. 11, 2015 — 87-year-old Ursula Haverbeck has been sentenced to imprisonment in Germany for doubting that people were “exterminated” by “gassing” in the Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz. (See our article: "Ursula Haverbeck Challenges German Authorities") The defendant, in good spirits, reiterated her doubts in the courtroom. She arrived…

Holocaust Jurisprudence in Europe

This article originally appeared as Appendix IV “Your Rights” in Kollerstrom’s book Breaking the Spell. – Ed [The text has been updated to the book’s 7th edition of 2024; Ed.] “Laws against expressing doubts about the Holocaust, in my view, are simply absurd. If you believe in the Holocaust, as I do, then it should…

Disorder in the Courts (1990-2000), Part 1

The late Joseph Bellinger had intended the current article to be a chapter in a book that remained unpublished at the time of his death, The Prohibition of “Holocaust Denial.” — Ed. The last decade of the Twentieth Century brought increasing challenges to revisionist scholars, researchers and sympathizers as existing European laws related to “Holocaust…

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