(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

The Tyranny of Silence, Demonstrated

This book’s author, a Danish journalist now 57 years old despite the many death threats he has received, was catapulted to fame, to his great surprise, after the publication by his employer of a group of cartoons depicting Islam’s central prophet Mohammed in a number of unflattering, even risible poses. The international kerfuffle that ensued…

Holocaust Hate Speech

“But what was strange was that although Goldstein was hated and despised by everybody, although every day, and a thousand times a day, on platforms, on the telescreen, in newspapers, in books, his theories were refuted, smashed, ridiculed, held up to the general gaze for the pitiful rubbish that they were—in spite of all this,…

Revisionists to be punished

Revisionists to be punished FROM HERBERT KELLNERAntwerp A Bill to outlaw and punish Holocaust denial or the defence of Nazi crimes has been introduced in the Belgian Parliament by the country's Socialist Party. The Bill is expected to be supported by other parties. The penalties foreseen by the Bill include the withdrawal of political rights…

Advertising Copy… Considerations

Professor Faurisson's letter caused me to reflect again on how advertising, or any other piece of writing, is read from many different perspectives and understood in many different ways. And not only among revisionists either. The original advertising for our videotape, which we sent exclusively to people in the revisionist community, ballyhooed the video in…

More on Texas and Elsewhere

The last couple days David and I have been interviewed for the U. Texas radio station. The Houston Chronicle has published an interview with me, and the Dallas Morning News has run an article on the Texas fracas. David gave a long interview to the Daily Texan. A high school teacher in a Dallas suburb…

Shootout at U. Texas Student Newspaper

On 19 February, after rejecting three separate advertisements from CODOH, the Daily Texan, the student newspaper of the University of Texas (Austin), published a half­page “Open Letter to the Daily Texan” by David Cole. The young Jewish revisionist's letter, written in a direct response to the Daily Texan's Orwellian refusal to publish a paid ad…

An Open Letter to The Daily Texan

  On Tuesday, January 26th, the Texas Student Board of Operating Trustees rejected an advertisement submitted to The Daily Texan for my video about the Auschwitz concentration camp, "David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper." An article the next day in The Daily Texan gave no reason for the ad's rejection. A former Hillel Foundation board…

ADL Censorship University of Texas

Those of you who have followed the Campus Project will recall the struggle that took place at U. Texas at Austin earlier this year. There was an incredibly neurotic scandal over the acceptance of my full page ad on “The Holocaust Controversy” and later over a second ad, sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review,…

Judges Quash Zündel Guilty Verdict

(Following are excerpts from stories reported in the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, and the Toronto Sun when this story first broke.) Toronto Star (27 August): Toronto publisher Ernst Zundel's conviction for spreading false news about the deaths of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust was struck down today by the Supreme Court of…

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