(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

I am becoming… unnameable

February 12, 2014 Eric Delcroix, my former lawyer, has just reminded me that the late humorist Pierre Desproges (1939-1988), in a skit for the television show “Le Tribunal des flagrants délires” (The Court of in flagrante delirio), once portrayed me as an unnameable character, unnameable at least for the French justice system. Announcing the accused’s…

Blood Libels, Gas Libels And the Difference between Them

For much of recent history much has been written, and read, of the “blood libel” on the Jewish people spread among the populaces of Europe and the countries elsewhere populated by Europeans. The story has countless variants, most of them involving the abduction of non-Jewish babies for ritual slaughter in which some use or other…

Revisionism and the Power of Truth

Richard Widmann has followed Robert Faurisson in warning that the immediate future for historical revisionists, especially those addressing the currently accepted and widely promoted view of ‘the Holocaust’, looks very bleak.[1] He has correctly observed that the world has already seen a wide range of modes of persecution inflicted on revisionists: censorship, imprisonment, intimidation, deportation,…

Fred Leuchter’s “Indiscretion”

At the present time, there are no “Holocaust denial” laws in the United States of America, although attempts have been repeatedly made behind the scenes by Jewish organizations and individuals to try and penalize “deniers” by various means. When one ventures into the arena of “Holocaust denial,” unpleasant consequences invariably ensue. Against those whose opinions…

The Death of a Distinguished Lawyer, Doug Christie, “the Battling Barrister”

Douglas (Doug) Christie has died. For its part, the Canadian English-language press has put out the news in terms which, unfortunately, can be understood when one knows that Douglas Christie had especially made himself known for his uncompromising defense of a major figure of historical revisionism, Ernst Zündel. But – a happy surprise – at…

Historical Revisionism and Popular Opinion

In 1966, Harry Elmer Barnes declared, “During the last 40 years, revisionism has become a controversial term.”[1] In the nearly 50 years since, “revisionism” has shifted from controversial to a purely negative term, at least in the eyes of the general public. Today “revisionism” has become synonymous with telling lies or distorting the truth with…

A Darkening Shadow

Background: On 20 May 2013 our national newspaper The Australian carried a news report headed “Labor MPs to back PM on anti-Semitism.” It included the following information: “NSW Labor MPs will use this week’s parliamentary sittings for a mass signing of the London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism. The Prime Minister became the first Australian leader…

Hate, Hikind and History

This summer, Democratic Assemblyman from Brooklyn, New York Dov Hikind launched a misguided assault against Inconvenient History and several other publishers who carry among other things Holocaust revisionist articles and commentary. Hikind is attempting to financially hamstring several organizations by arranging a vendor boycott of sorts in which major credit card companies are bullied or…

Revisionism’s Final Victories

Perhaps France fell first, in 1991, with its loi Gayssot. Then (or slightly before) fell Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, not necessarily in that order. All these countries, and of course Israel, have capitulated to historical revisionism in the most abjectly desperate manner imaginable: they now officially, with laws, threaten people who express certain views of…

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