(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

EU anti-revisionist law by the end of the year?

On January 27, 2010, the “International Holocaust Remberance Day”, EU Commissioner for Security and Justice and Vice-President of the EC, Jacques Barrot, made the following highly important statement on his newspage: “Sixty-five years ago, the world woke itself to the horrors of Auschwitz. Today, it is our duty to pay tribute to the 6 millions…

Banged Up: Survival as a Political Prisoner in 21st Century Europe, by David Irving

Banged Up: Survival as a Political Prisoner in 21st Century Europe by David Irving Focal Point Publications, Windsor, England, 2008. 146pp., illustrated, with notes, indexed. Banged Up is David Irving’s autobiographical account of his arrest and 400 days of solitary confinement in an Austrian prison for having presented what amounted to inconvenient history at a…

Learning Nothing from the Past

By Richard A. Widmann- In stark opposition to George Santayana’s now clichéd quote about learning from history, revisionist pioneer Harry Barnes in his  History and Social Intelligence  boldly noted that he did “not accept the view that history can in many cases be directly useful to the present generation through the discovery of alleged specific…

David Irving’s Website Attacked

By Richard A. Widmann- News this morning tells of hackers who broke into David Irving's Website(s) and internet accounts. They apparently stole private information including ID's and passwords and even bank account information. They took mailing lists and destroyed content on his Website. This same group, or an associated group also sought to have events…

A Call for Dissident Writers

By Richard A. Widmann- Today certain historical studies are strongly discouraged and in certain once-free democracies even outlawed. But a recent interest in discovering the facts about the twentieth century’s two world wars and their aftermath as well as the consequences of those events inspires us with new courage and optimism. Harry Barnes said that…

A Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Inquiry

By Richard A. Widmann- Slightly over 30 years ago, James J. Martin, one of the deans of revisionist history of the twentieth century coined the term “Inconvenient History” with his collection of essays, The Saga of Hog Island. Long before Al Gore would speculate on the “Inconvenient Truth” of global warming, James Martin was already…

Fredrick Töben Jailed in Australia

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Revisionist and free speech activist Dr. Fredrick Töben has been taken into custody to serve a three-month jail term for violating Australia’s anti-free speech laws. Australian Federal Police took Töben, the author of Where Truth is no Defence, I want to break free, from the Federal…

In Search of a Holocaust Denier

I have been called a holocaust denier. I believe that during World War II millions of Jews were uprooted from their homes and placed in slave labor camps where they died in droves. Does this absolve me from being labeled a denier? If you think so, then here is a challenge for you: name one…

Töben sentenced to 3 months in Australian prison

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Revisionist activist and author, Dr. Fredrick Toben has been sentenced to three months in prison for contempt of court. The Australian Federal Court ordered that Toben, 64, be imprisoned and pay legal costs after he continued to publish Holocaust revisionist material on the Adelaide Institute website…

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